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    [inˈjoin, enˈjoin]
    enjoin (verb) · enjoins (third person present) · enjoined (past tense) · enjoined (past participle) · enjoining (present participle)
    1. instruct or urge (someone) to do something:
      "the code enjoined members to trade fairly"
      • prescribe (an action or attitude) to be performed or adopted:
        "the charitable deeds enjoined on him by religion"
      • law
        (enjoin someone from)
        prohibit someone from performing (a particular action) by issuing an injunction:
        "he was enjoined from using the patent"
    Middle English (formerly also as injoin): from Old French enjoindre, from Latin injungere ‘join, attach, impose’, from in- ‘in, towards’ + jungere ‘to join’.
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    1. instruct or urge (someone) to do something:
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