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  1. Dictionary
    educated (adjective)
    1. having been educated:
      "a Harvard-educated lawyer"
      • resulting from or having had a good education:
        "educated tastes"
    educated (past tense) · educated (past participle)
    1. give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone, especially a child), typically at a school or university:
      "she was educated at a boarding school"
      • provide or pay for instruction for (one's child), especially at a school:
        "she had crises of conscience about how best to educate her youngest child"
      • give (someone) training in or information on a particular field:
        "a plan to educate the young on the dangers of drug-taking" · "the need to educate people to conserve water"
    late Middle English: from Latin educat- ‘led out’, from the verb educare, related to educere ‘lead out’ (see educe).
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