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  1. Dictionary
    1. adjective form of dissipate
    dissipate (verb) · dissipates (third person present) · dissipated (past tense) · dissipated (past participle) · dissipating (present participle)
    1. (with reference to a feeling or other intangible thing) disappear or cause to disappear:
      "the concern she'd felt for him had wholly dissipated" · "he wanted to dissipate his anger"
      • disperse or scatter:
        "the cloud of smoke dissipated"
    2. squander or fritter away (money, energy, or resources):
      "he had dissipated his entire fortune"
      • physics
        (be dissipated)
        cause (energy) to be lost, typically by converting it to heat:
        "no power is dissipated in this sort of control element"
    late Middle English: from Latin dissipat- ‘scattered’, from the verb dissipare, from dis- ‘apart, widely’ + supare ‘to throw’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. (with reference to a feeling or other intangible thing) disappear or cause to disappear:
    2. squander or fritter away (money, energy, or resources):
      fritter (away)
      make poor use of
      be prodigal with
      spend recklessly/freely
      spend like water
      throw around like confetti
      pour/throw down the drain
      spend money as if it grows on trees
      spend money as if there were no tomorrow
      spend money as if it were going out of style/fashion
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