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Disposition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
dispositionˌdi-spə-ˈzi-shənnoun- prevailing tendency, mood, or inclinationtemperamental makeup...
- the act or the power of disposing or the state of being disposed: such asadministration, control...
DISPOSITION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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DISPOSITION definition and meaning | Collins …
Disposition is the way that someone tends to behave or feel, or a willingness to do something. It can also mean the arrangement, management, or distribution of something. See synonyms, examples, and pronunciation.
Disposition - definition of disposition by The Free Dictionary
DISPOSITION Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
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Disposition - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
DISPOSITION definition in American English - Collins …
Disposition is the way that someone tends to behave or feel, or the arrangement or management of something. Learn more about its meanings, synonyms, pronunciation, and usage with Collins Dictionary.
disposition noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Disposition Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Learn the meaning of disposition as a noun, with examples of usage and synonyms. Disposition can refer to the usual attitude or mood, the tendency to act or think, the act of giving or arranging something, or the way things are placed.
DISPOSITION - Definition & Translations | Collins …
Disposition is the way that someone tends to behave or feel. Learn how to use this word in different contexts, such as character, arrangement, or final disposition, with synonyms and examples.
DISPOSITION | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Disposition Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
disposition - definition and meaning - Wordnik
American Heritage Dictionary Entry: disposition
disposition | meaning of disposition in Longman Dictionary of ...
DISPOSITION definition | Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
DISPOSITION - Definition & Meaning - Reverso English Dictionary
Disposition definitions - Meaning of Disposition - Power Thesaurus
What does disposition mean? - Definitions.net
DISPOSITION - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Dispositioned Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Dispositions - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
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