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- dis·coursediscourse (noun) · discourses (plural noun)discourse (verb) · discourses (third person present) · discoursed (past tense) · discoursed (past participle) · discoursing (present participle)Originlate Middle English (denoting the process of reasoning): from Old French discours, from Latin discursus ‘running to and fro’ (in medieval Latin ‘argument’), from the verb discurrere, from dis- ‘away’ + currere ‘to run’; the verb influenced by French discourir.
DISCOURSE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Learn the various meanings and uses of the word discourse, from verbal interchange of ideas to a mode of organizing knowledge. See synonyms, examples, word history, and related phrases …
DISCOURSE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Learn the meaning of discourse as a noun and a verb, with synonyms, antonyms, grammar tips and examples. Find out how discourse can refer to language, discussion, speech, writing or a …
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The Meaning of Discourse - ThoughtCo
Discourse is a language unit longer than a sentence, used in social contexts and influenced by various factors. Learn about discourse analysis, common ground, a…
DISCOURSE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.
Discourse - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
If you use the word discourse, you are describing a formal and intense discussion or debate. The noun discourse comes from the Latin discursus to mean "an argument." But luckily, that kind of …
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Discourse - definition of discourse by The Free Dictionary
Discourse is verbal expression in speech or writing, or a formal treatment of a subject. It can also refer to a unit of text for linguistic analysis, or a process of reasoning. See synonyms, related …
Discourse Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Learn the formal and academic meanings of discourse as a noun and a verb. Find out how to use discourse in different contexts, such as conversation, writing, or public speaking.
discourse noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Discourse is a long and serious treatment or discussion of a subject in speech or writing, or the use of language in speech and writing to produce meaning. Learn more about discourse with …
DISCOURSE definition in American English - Collins Online …
Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.
Discourse - Examples and Definition of Discourse - Literary Devices
Discourse is a system of thoughts, language, and practices that construct subjects and worlds. Learn about the four types of discourse in literature: exposition, narration, description, and …
discourse, n. meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English …
Learn the 14 meanings of the noun discourse, from conversation to literary style, with examples and pronunciation. Find out the origin and history of the word discourse, a borrowing from …
Discourse: Definition, Synonyms and Examples - English 365
Discourse is a foundational element of human interaction. It’s through discourse that we express ourselves, connect with others, and navigate the complexities of society. Whether in spoken or …
DISCOURSE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Learn the meaning of discourse as a noun and a verb, with synonyms, antonyms, and related words. Find out how to use discourse in different contexts, such as language, discussion, …
discourse | meaning of discourse in Longman Dictionary of …
Discourse can be a noun or a verb, and it has different meanings depending on the context. As a noun, it can mean a serious speech, writing, or conversation on a topic, or the language used …
Discourse Examples and Definition - Literary Devices
Definition of Discourse. Discourse is any written or spoken communication. Discourse can also be described as the expression of thought through language. While discourse can refer to the …
discourse - definition and meaning - Wordnik
noun A formal discussion or treatment of a subjeet; a dissertation, treatise, homily, sermon, or the like: as, the discourse of Plutarch on garrulity, of Cicero on old age; an eloquent discourse. …
Discourse – Word Gate
Sep 30, 2024 · Definition: Discourse refers to any form of written or spoken communication, encompassing language use in various contexts. It involves the structured flow of ideas, …
discourse: Explore its Definition & Usage | RedKiwi Words
The term 'discourse' [ˈdɪskɔːs] refers to written or spoken communication, often in the form of a formal discussion or a long and serious treatment of a subject. It can be used to describe …
Discourse - Meaning and Definition - Writing Commons
Summarizing the French philosopher Michel Foucault, Lessa (2006) defines discourse as “ [s]ystems of thoughts composed of ideas, attitudes, and courses of action, beliefs, and …
Discourse - (English Grammar and Usage) - Vocab, Definition
Discourse refers to structured communication that goes beyond individual sentences to encompass larger units of language, such as conversations, written texts, or speeches. It …
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