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  1. Dictionary
    differ (verb) · differs (third person present) · differed (past tense) · differed (past participle) · differing (present participle)
    1. be unlike or dissimilar:
      "the second set of data differed from the first" · "tastes differ, especially in cars"
      • disagree:
        "he differed from his contemporaries in ethical matters"
    late Middle English (also in the sense ‘put off, defer’): from Old French differer ‘differ, defer’, from Latin differre, from dis- ‘from, away’ + ferre ‘bring, carry’. Compare with defer.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. be unlike or dissimilar:
      be different
      be unlike
      be dissimilar
      be distinguishable
      deviate from
      depart from
      run counter to
      contrast with
      conflict with
      be incompatible with
      be at odds with
      be in opposition to
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