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    [ˈkrôsiNG, ˈkräsiNG]
    crossing (noun) · crossings (plural noun)
    1. a place where two roads, two railroad lines, or a road and a railroad line cross:
      "a stream of cars was waiting for the railroad crossing barriers to be opened"
      • architecture
        the intersection of a church nave and the transepts:
        "the cathedral has a lantern tower over the crossing"
    2. a place at which one may safely cross something, especially a street:
      "we were thirty yards from the crossing when a man stepped off the pavement"
      • a place at which one may cross a border between countries:
        "a border crossing"
    3. the action of moving across or over something:
      "the crossing of the Pyrenees"
      • a journey across water in a ship:
        "a short ferry crossing"
    4. crossbreeding.
    [krôs, kräs]
    crossing (present participle)
    1. go or extend across or to the other side of (a path, road, stretch of water, or area):
      "he has crossed the Atlantic twice" · "two paths crossed the field" · "a shadow of apprehension crossed her face" · "we crossed over the bridge"
      • go across or climb over (an obstacle or boundary):
        "he attempted to cross the border into Jordan" · "we crossed over a fence"
      • (cross over)
        (especially of an artist or an artistic style or work) begin to appeal to a different audience, especially a wider one:
        "a talented animator who crossed over to live action"
    2. pass in an opposite or different direction; intersect:
      "the two lines cross at 90°"
      • cause (two things) to intersect:
        "cross the cables in opposing directions"
      • place (something) crosswise:
        "Michele sat back and crossed her arms"
      • (of a letter) be sent before receipt of another from the person being written to:
        "our letters crossed"
    3. draw a line or lines across; mark with a cross:
      "cross the t's"
        mark or annotate (a check), typically by drawing a pair of parallel lines across it, to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank account:
        "a crossed check"
      • (cross someone/something off)
        delete a name or item on a list as being no longer required or involved:
        "Liz crossed off the days on the calendar"
      • (cross something out)
        delete an incorrect or inapplicable word or phrase by drawing a line through it:
        "cross out any portions which do not apply"
    4. (cross oneself)
      (of a person) make the sign of the cross in front of one's chest as a sign of Christian reverence or to invoke divine protection:
      "Beatie crossed herself quickly at the mention of the dead"
    5. soccer
      pass (the ball) across the field toward the center when attacking:
      "he could not get to the line to cross the ball" · "Powell crossed from the left"
    6. cause (an animal of one species, breed, or variety) to interbreed with one of another species, breed, or variety:
      "many animals of the breed were crossed with the closely related Guernsey" · "he behaved like an old regular officer crossed with a mathematician"
      • cross-fertilize (a plant):
        "a hybrid tea was crossed with a polyantha rose"
    7. oppose or stand in the way of (someone):
      "no one dared cross him"
    late Old English cros (in the sense ‘monument in the form of a cross’), from Old Norse kross, from Old Irish cros, from Latin crux.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. a place where two roads, two railroad lines, or a road and a railroad line cross:
      • a place at which one may safely cross something, especially a street:
        street crossing
        pelican crossing
        the green man
        1. go or extend across or to the other side of (a path, road, stretch of water, or area):
          travel across
          go across
          make one's way across
          range over
          tramp over
          wander over
          extend across
          stretch across
          arch over
          vault over
        2. pass in an opposite or different direction; intersect:
          • oppose or stand in the way of (someone):
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