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- con·trar·ycontrary (adjective)
- opposite in nature, direction, or meaning:"he ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal"
- (of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another:"his mother had given him contrary messages"
- (of a wind) blowing in the opposite direction to one's course; unfavorable.
- logic(of two propositions) so related that one or neither but not both must be true. Compare with contradictory
- perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired:"she is sulky and contrary where her work is concerned"
OriginMiddle English: from Anglo-Norman French contrarie, from Latin contrarius, from contra ‘against’.Similar and Opposite Wordsadjectivenoun- the opposite:
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Contrary Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
CONTRARY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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Contrary Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
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CONTRARY - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
CONTRARY | meaning - Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
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CONTRARY - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
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