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  1. Dictionary
    concur (verb) · concurs (third person present) · concurred (past tense) · concurred (past participle) · concurring (present participle)
    1. be of the same opinion; agree:
      "the authors concurred with the majority" · "“That's right,” the chairman concurred" · "they concurred in the creation of the disciplinary procedures"
      • (concur with)
        agree with (a decision, opinion, or finding):
        "we strongly concur with this recommendation"
    2. happen or occur at the same time; coincide:
      "in tests, cytogenetic determination has been found to concur with enzymatic determination"
    late Middle English (also in the senses ‘collide’ and ‘act in combination’): from Latin concurrere ‘run together, assemble in crowds’, from con- ‘together with’ + currere ‘to run’.
    Translate concur to
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. be of the same opinion; agree:
      be in agreement
      be in accord
      be in accordance
      be in harmony
      be in sympathy
      be of the same mind
      be of the same opinion
    2. happen or occur at the same time; coincide:
      happen/occur together
      happen/occur simultaneously
      happen/occur at the same time
      be simultaneous
      be concurrent
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