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  1. Dictionary
    conception (noun) · conceptions (plural noun)
    1. the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived:
      "an unfertilized egg before conception" · "a rise in premarital conceptions"
    2. the forming or devising of a plan or idea:
      "the time between a product's conception and its launch"
      • the way in which something is perceived or regarded:
        "our conception of how language relates to reality"
      • a general notion; an abstract idea:
        "the conception of a balance of power"
      • a plan or intention:
        "reconstructing Bach's original conceptions"
      • understanding; ability to imagine:
        "he had no conception of politics"
    Middle English: via Old French from Latin conceptio(n-), from the verb concipere (see conceive).
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