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  1. Dictionary
    commiserating (present participle)
    1. express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize:
      "she went over to commiserate with Rose on her unfortunate circumstances"
      • archaic
        feel, show, or express pity for (someone):
        "she did not exult in her rival's fall, but, on the contrary, commiserated her"
    late 16th century: from Latin commiserat- ‘commiserated’, from the verb commiserari, from com- ‘with’ + miserari ‘to lament’ (from miser ‘wretched’).
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize:
      offer sympathy to
      be sympathetic to
      express sympathy for
      send condolences to
      offer condolences to
      condole with
      sympathize with
      empathize with
      feel pity for
      feel sorry for
      feel for
      be moved by
      mourn for
      sorrow for
      grieve for
      give solace to
      one's heart goes out to
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