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    come on
    [come on]
    1. (of a state or condition) start to arrive or happen:
      "she felt a mild case of the sniffles coming on" · "it was coming on to rain"
      • make progress; develop:
        "she asked them how their garden was coming on"
      • meet or find someone or something by chance:
        "I came on a station that was playing upbeat songs"
      • said when encouraging someone to do something or to hurry up or when one feels that someone is wrong or foolish:
        "Come on! We must hurry!"
    come-on (noun) · come-ons (plural noun)
    1. a gesture or remark that is intended to attract someone sexually:
      "she was giving me the come-on"
      • a marketing ploy, such as a free or cheap offer:
        "introductory come-on rates"
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