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  1. Dictionary
    clinching (present participle)
    1. confirm or settle (a contract or bargain):
      "to clinch a business deal"
      • conclusively settle (an argument or debate):
        "these findings clinched the matter"
      • confirm the winning or achievement of (a game, competition, or victory):
        "his team clinched the title"
    2. grapple at close quarters, especially (of boxers) so as to be too closely engaged for full-arm blows.
      • (of two people) embrace.
    3. secure (a nail or rivet) by driving the point sideways when it has penetrated.
      • fasten (a rope or fishing line) with a clinch knot.
    late 16th century (in the senses ‘something that grips’ and ‘fix securely’): variant of clench.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. confirm or settle (a contract or bargain):
    2. grapple at close quarters, especially (of boxers) so as to be too closely engaged for full-arm blows.
      struggle with each other
      scuffle with each other
      grasp each other
      clutch each other
      grip each other
      • secure (a nail or rivet) by driving the point sideways when it has penetrated.
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