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  1. Dictionary
    chance (noun) · chances (plural noun)
    1. a possibility of something happening:
      "there is little chance of his finding a job" · "a chance of victory"
      • (chances)
        the probability of something happening:
        "he played down his chances of becoming chairman"
      • an opportunity to do or achieve something:
        "I gave her a chance to answer"
      • a ticket in a raffle or lottery.
      • baseball
        an opportunity to make a defensive play, which if missed counts as an error:
        "541 straight chances without an error"
    2. the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design:
      "he met his brother by chance" · "what a lucky chance that you are here"
    chance (adjective)
    1. fortuitous; accidental:
      "a chance meeting"
    chance (verb) · chances (third person present) · chanced (past tense) · chanced (past participle) · chancing (present participle)
    1. do something by accident or without design:
      "if they chanced to meet"
      • (chance upon/on)
        find or see by accident:
        "he chanced upon an interesting advertisement"
    2. informal
      do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome:
      "she waited a few seconds and chanced another look"
    Middle English: from Old French cheance, from cheoir ‘fall, befall’, based on Latin cadere.
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    1. do something by accident or without design:
    2. do (something) despite its being dangerous or of uncertain outcome:
      try one's luck with
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