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    call up
    [call up]
    1. summon someone to serve in the armed forces:
      "they have called up more than 20,000 reservists"
      • select someone to play in a team, especially at a higher level of competition:
        "he was called up from Columbus to finish the season with the Yankees"
      • informal
        contact someone by phone:
        "I have a list of people to call up in the morning"
      • evoke something:
        "the special effects that called up the Mars landscape were impressive"
      • cause data, a file, an image, etc. to be displayed on a screen:
        "icons that allow you to call up a graphic"
    call-up (noun) · call-ups (plural noun) · callup (noun) · callups (plural noun)
    1. an act of summoning someone or of being summoned to serve in the armed forces or on a sports team:
      "my call-up papers"
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. summon someone to serve in the armed forces:
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