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    buffeting (noun)
    1. the action of striking someone or something repeatedly and violently:
      "the roofs have survived the buffeting of worse winds than this"
    2. aeronautics
      irregular oscillation of part of an aircraft, caused by turbulence.
    buffeting (present participle)
    1. (especially of wind or waves) strike repeatedly and violently; batter:
      "the rough seas buffeted the coast" · "the wind was buffeting at their bodies"
      • knock (someone) over or off course:
        "he was buffeted from side to side"
      • (of misfortunes or difficulties) afflict or harm (someone) repeatedly or over a long period:
        "they were buffeted by a major recession"
    Middle English: from Old French buffeter (verb), buffet (noun), diminutive of bufe ‘a blow’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. (especially of wind or waves) strike repeatedly and violently; batter:
      beat/knock/dash against
      push against
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