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    babbling (noun) · babblings (plural noun)
    1. the action or fact of talking rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way:
      "the constant babbling of the kids"
    2. the continuous murmuring sound of flowing water:
      "the babbling of a nearby river"
    babbling (adjective)
    1. talking rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way:
      "the noise of babbling tourists" · "you sound like a babbling fool"
    2. (of flowing water) making a continuous murmuring sound:
      "a gently babbling brook"
    babbling (present participle)
    1. talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way:
      "they babbled on about their vacation"
      • utter something rapidly and incoherently:
        "I gasped and stared and babbled, “Look at this!”"
      • reveal something secret or confidential by talking carelessly:
        "he babbled to another convict while he was in jail"
    2. (of flowing water) make a continuous murmuring sound:
      "the shallow river babbled over smooth rocks"
    Middle English: from Middle Low German babbelen, or an independent English formation, as a frequentative based on the repeated syllable ba, typical of a child's early speech.
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