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- nounauction (noun) · auctions (plural noun)verbauction (verb) · auctions (third person present) · auctioned (past tense) · auctioned (past participle) · auctioning (present participle)Originlate 16th century: from Latin auctio(n-) ‘increase, auction’, from the verb augere ‘to increase’.
AUCTION Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Learn the noun and verb meanings of auction, a Latin word meaning "to increase". See examples of auction in sentences, word history, synonyms, and related phrases.
AUCTION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, and see how it is used in different contexts and domains. Find out the common types of auctions, such as sealed-bid, reverse and online …
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AUCTION definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, with synonyms, pronunciation, and usage examples. Find out how to say auction in different languages and compare it with related terms.
Auction - Wikipedia
An auction is usually a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bids, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder or buying the item from the lowest bidder. Some exceptions to this definition exist and are described in the section about different types. The branch of economic theory dealing with auction types and participants' behavior in auctions is called
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseAUCTION Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, and see examples of its usage in different contexts. Find out the origin, synonyms, and related words of auction.
auction noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
Learn the meaning of auction, a public sale in which things are sold to the highest bidder, with pictures, pronunciation and examples. Find out how to use auction in a sentence and see …
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What Is an Auction? Definition, How They Work, Pros …
Sep 24, 2024 · An auction is a sale where buyers compete for an asset by placing bids. Learn about different types of auctions, such as open, closed, and Dutch, and how to buy a house at auction.
Auction - definition of auction by The Free Dictionary
Learn the meaning and usage of the word auction, a public sale of goods or property to the highest bidder. Find synonyms, related terms, translations and examples of auction in different …
AUCTION | meaning - Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, and see how to use it in sentences. Find translations of auction in different languages and related words.
Auction - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
In an auction, items are sold without price tags — whoever bids the highest gets to buy it, whether it’s a painting, a car, or a set of old dishes. You can hold an auction, or auction something.
Auction Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, and see examples of how to use it in sentences. Find out the difference between silent auction and block, and explore related words …
AUCTION | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Learn the meaning of auction as a noun and a verb, with examples of how to use it in different contexts. Find out the synonyms, collocations and translations of auction in English.
auction | meaning of auction in Longman Dictionary of …
auction meaning, definition, what is auction: a public meeting where land, buildings, ...: Learn more.
What does auction mean? - Definitions.net
An auction is usually a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bids, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder or buying the item from the …
Auction - Definition, Explained, Types, Examples, How it Works?
An auction is held to sell assets and properties to interested buyers. Owners and businesses hold them. It is an open buying and selling system where buyers are invited to bid for a particular …
AUCTION | English meaning - Cambridge Essential American
AUCTION definition: 1. a sale in which things are sold to the person who offers the most money 2. to sell something at…. Learn more.
Alcopa Auction, premier opérateur de ventes aux enchères …
Leader des ventes aux enchères de véhicules d'occasion en France, nous réalisons plus de 120 000 ventes de véhicules aux enchères par an sur 7 salles de ventes à Beauvais, Paris Sud, …
Portail de la Police Grand-Ducale - Luxembourg
3 days ago · Ce site vous présente la Police du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, son historique, ses missions (prévention, lutte contre le crime, sécurité, protection de la jeunesse) et services aux …
Alteckendorf - Wikipedia
Alteckendorf (French pronunciation: [altɛkəndɔrf] ⓘ; sometimes spelled Alt Eckendorf; Alsatian: Àltackedorf) is a commune in the Bas-Rhin department in the Grand Est region of northeastern …
BCA Expertise, leader français de l'expertise automobile
Nous réalisons des expertises automobiles dans de nombreux domaines comme les dommages en carrosserie ou mécaniques sur tous les matériels, la gestion des pertes totales, la …