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  1. Dictionary
    appealing (adjective)
    1. attractive or interesting:
      "the rural life is somehow more appealing" · "an appealing young woman"
    2. (of an expression or tone of voice) showing that one wants help or sympathy:
      "an appealing look"
    appealing (present participle)
    1. make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public:
      "police are appealing for information about the incident" · "she appealed to Germany for political asylum"
    2. law
      apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court:
      "he said he would appeal against the conviction"
        apply to a higher court for a reversal of (the decision of a lower court):
        "they have 48 hours to appeal the decision"
      • baseball
        (of the team in the field) call on the umpire to rule a strike or out on a completed play.
      • (appeal to)
        address oneself to (a principle or quality in someone) in anticipation of a favorable response:
        "I appealed to his sense of justice"
    3. be attractive or interesting:
      "the range of topics will appeal to youngsters"
    Middle English (in legal contexts): from Old French apel (noun), apeler (verb), from Latin appellare ‘to address’, based on ad- ‘to’ + pellere ‘to drive’.
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