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  1. Dictionary
    abundance (noun) · abundances (plural noun)
    1. a very large quantity of something:
      "the tropical island boasts an abundance of wildlife"
      • the state or condition of having a copious quantity of something; plentifulness:
        "vines and figs grew in abundance"
      • plentifulness of the good things of life; prosperity:
        "the growth of industry promised wealth and abundance"
      • the quantity or amount of something, e.g., a chemical element or an animal or plant species, present in a particular area, volume, sample, etc.:
        "estimates of abundance of harp seals" · "the relative abundances of carbon and nitrogen"
    2. (in solo whist) a bid by which a player undertakes to make nine or more tricks.
    Middle English: from Latin abundantia, from abundant- ‘overflowing’, from the verb abundare (see abound).
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