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  1. Dictionary
    abiding (adjective)
    1. (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring:
      "he had an abiding respect for her"
    abiding (present participle)
    1. (abide by)
      accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation):
      "I said I would abide by their decision"
    2. (can/could abide)
      be able to tolerate (someone or something):
      "if there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline" · "he enjoyed socializing and could not abide being alone"
    3. (of a feeling or memory) continue without fading or being lost:
      "at least one memory will abide"
      • archaic
        live; dwell:
        "many unskillful Men do abide in our City of London"
    Old English ābīdan ‘wait’, from ā- ‘onwards’ + bīdan (see bide).
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