culmen beak size - Search
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  1. Bird measurement - Wikipedia

    • The upper margin of the beak or bill is referred to as the culmen. The measurement is taken using calipers with one jaw at the tip of the upper mandible and the other at the base of the bill (at the junction with the skull, a measurement called "total culmen") or where the feathers begin (a measurement called "exposed culmen"). In the case of birds of … See more


    Bird measurement or bird biometrics are approaches to quantify the size of birds in scientific studies. The variation in dimensions and weights across birds is one of the fundamental sources of diversity among bird… See more

    Methods and considerations

    All measurements are prone to error, both systematic and random. Measuring specific bird characteristics can further vary greatly depending on the method used. The total length of a bird is sometimes measured by putting a d… See more

    Total body length

    The total length of the body (also bill-to-tail length) of a bird is usually measured from dead specimens before being skinned for preservation. The measurement is made by laying the bird on its back, stretching out the neck, m… See more

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