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  1. Dictionary
    contrast (noun) · contrasts (plural noun)
    1. the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association:
      "the day began cold and blustery, in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted sunshine" · "a contrast between rural and urban trends"
      • enhancement of the apparent brightness or clarity of a design provided by the juxtaposition of different colors or textures:
        "match the trimming with one of the stronger colors in the pattern to provide contrast"
      • the degree of difference between tones in a television picture, photograph, or other image:
        "careful adjustment of the contrast to suit the prevailing light is critical" · "high-contrast images"
      • the action of calling attention to notable differences:
        "use knowledge of other languages for contrast and comparison with English"
      • a thing or person having qualities noticeably different from another:
        "the castle is quite a contrast to other places where the singer has performed"
    verb[ˈkänˌtrast, kənˈtrast]
    contrast (verb) · contrasts (third person present) · contrasted (past tense) · contrasted (past participle) · contrasting (present participle)
    1. differ strikingly:
      "his friend's success contrasted with his own failure"
      • compare in such a way as to emphasize differences:
        "people contrasted her with her sister"
    late 17th century (as a term in fine art, in the sense ‘juxtapose so as to bring out differences in form and color’): from French contraste (noun), contraster (verb), via Italian from medieval Latin contrastare, from Latin contra- ‘against’ + stare ‘stand’.
    Translate contrast to
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. differ strikingly:
      differ from
      be at variance with
      be contrary to
      conflict with
      be at odds with
      be in opposition to
      disagree with
      clash with
      scream at
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