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  1. CSC 344 – Algorithms and Complexity - Adelphi Univ…

    Issues: Correctness Time Efficiency Space Efficiency Optimality Approaches: Theoretical Analysis Empirical Analysis

    Issues: Correctness – Does it work as advertised? Time Efficiency – Are time requirements minimized? Space Efficiency – Are space requirements minimized? Optimality – Do we have the best balance between minimizing time and space?

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    Time efficiency is analyzed by determining the number of repetitions of the basic operation as a function of input size Basic operation: the operation that contributes most towards the running time of the algorithm

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    Running Time Execution Time For Basic Operation Number Of Times Basic Operation Is Executed

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    Select a specific (typical) sample of inputs Use physical unit of time (e.g., milliseconds) or Count actual number of basic operation’s executions Analyze the empirical data

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