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Hyper Collocation — dictionary based on arXiv repository
Hyper Collocation is a search engine for finding example sentences from 811,761 English papers included in arXiv. To clarify typical phrasing, the search results are sorted by the frequency of the collocation.
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English
The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords. The dictionary shows words commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, …
search collocations | Sentence collocations by ... - Cambridge …
Collocations with search. These are words often used in combination with search. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
English Corpora: most widely used online corpora. Billions of …
English Corpora offers free access to billions of words of data for studying collocates and association measures. It provides useful features such as part of speech filtering, semantic …
OZDIC is a comprehensive guide to the most frequently used word combinations in English, including common and idiomatic expressions. It helps users write and speak natural-sounding …
- People also ask
Sketch Engine
SKELL is a free tool for language learners and teachers to explore word usage, examples, collocations, and similar words.
GraphColl 1.0 is a free tool, developed with both novice and advanced users in mind, providing full control over the statistics and methods used to build collocation networks, whilst also offering sensible defaults for casual users.
Developing and evaluating an academic collocations …
Jun 21, 2021 · In this paper, we will introduce the ACOP (Academic Collocations and Phrases Search Engine), a newly developed corpus-based tool to search large academic corpora. Using the AntCorGen corpus crawling tool, 100,000 …
English collocations dictionary online - Linguatools
A huge English collocations database with 4,4 mio collocations and example sententes. Several syntactic relations.
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English - Online Free …
Search. Or you can check other dicts: null collins definition (English, 中文解释 ), wordnet sense, Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English. Document Tool. word to pdf; PPT to pdf; …
Find your English sentence - Ludwig
Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English and feel more confident about it. Learn More Sentence examples for collocate from inspiring English sources
English Corpora: most widely used online corpora. Billions of …
Compare genres, dialects, time periods. Search by PoS, collocates, synonyms, and much more.
Collins Collocations dictionary | American Definitions, Examples …
Comprehensive American Collocations dictionary with clear definitions, real examples, images, audio & video pronunciations, synonyms and collocations for US learners.
Collocates: based on one billion word COCA corpus
Collocates are words that occur near a given word (the node word), and they can provide very useful insight into the meaning and usage of the words near which they occur. This site …
Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English
The dictionary contains over 150,000 collocations for nearly 9,000 headwords. The dictionary shows words commonly used in combination with each headword: nouns, verbs, adjectives, …
Academic Collocation List - EAP Foundation
Nov 28, 2022 · This page describes the Academic Collocation List (ACL), explaining what it is and giving a full list of collocations in the ACL, sorted by headword. There is also, in another …
Bilexis Collocation Dictionary
The Bilexis Collocations Dictionary is a comprehensive reference tool designed to assist learners and users of English in understanding and using words in their natural combinations.
Extract Collocations - AI Generator Tool by Twee | Twee
The Extract Collocations Tool is designed to create a list of common collocations based on any text. Simply paste sentences or a text into the tool and select the vocabulary you want to …
Vocabulary | Te Kura Tātari Reo / School of Linguistics and …
Search for any word to generate example sentences from authentic sources, check collocations, or study words with a similar meaning. Search through a huge body of authentic English …
Air Sensor Collocation - US EPA
4 days ago · The Collocation Instruction Guide is a resource designed to help air sensor users learn the importance of collocation evaluation and the steps required to conduct a successful …