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List of American Civil War units by state - Wikipedia
This is a list of American Civil War units, consisting of those established as federally organized units as well as units raised by individual states and territories. Many states had soldiers and units fighting for both the United States (Union Army) and the Confederate States (Confederate States Army). The border … See more
Federal organized
• United States Colored Troops
• United States Regular Army
• United States Volunteers See moreConfederate organized
• Confederate States Army units
State forces
• See moreAmerican Civil WarA war between the United States and the Confederate States over slavery and secession1861-1865The duration of the American Civil War1863The United States Colored Troops were established as a branch of the Union Army that recruited African American soldiers1862The Confederate States of America established the Confederate Territory of Arizona, which included parts of modern Arizona and New Mexico1861The Indian Territory, which included most of modern Oklahoma, aligned with the Confederacy and formed several units of Native American soldiersWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Civil War Army Organization - American Battlefield Trust
Military Units of the Union - mycivilwar.com
3 days ago · Military Units of the Union. For the Union, 3559 separate units included regiments; separate battalions, companies, or batteries of this total 2144 were infantry regiments, 272 …
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Civil War Military Organization
The armies of the Civil War varied greatly in size from two small corps of just a few thousand soldiers to behemoths of several corps of more than 100,000 officers and men. Union armies …
Civil War Army Organization and Order of Rank
As the Civil War progressed, the size of the various units would change due to loss of men by disease, death, or injury. The force of men an army could bring would be added to, and subtracted from, with the ebb and flow of war.
Civil War Military Army Infantry Soldiers Cavalry Artillery
During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the army, both Union and Confederate, consisted principally of artillery, infantry, and cavalry. Although organization and structure for the opposing armies was nearly identical, the …
- People also ask
Brigade / Division / Corps Sizes - American Civil War …
Feb 19, 2011 · There are your brackets, 1,000 to 40 men from three regiments, by the book is the equilivant to a brigade. A rule of thumb that Civil War historians I know use is a regiment = 350 men (+/-). It is useful to recall the image of a …
Armies in the American Civil War - Wikipedia
As of January 1, 1861, the Regular Army on paper consisted of 16,403 officers and enlisted men, but only 14,658 were actually present for duty. A further 340 civilian clerks, teamsters and …
Military Organization and Rank during the Civil War
Dec 7, 2020 · The Union and Confederate armies employed similar systems of organization and rank during the American Civil War (1861–1865).
United States Civil War Military Organization - FamilySearch
Jan 5, 2024 · Each army was divided into corps, divisions, regiments and battalions, companies, platoons, and squads. Union Army Forces had at least 16 Armies. [1] . Each army was …
Distributions of personnel in units — American Civil War Battle …
Using the distribution of personnel per regiment from Livermore’s (1900) examples of regiment sizes, and the table of units in Eicher and Eicher (2002), this data is the distribution of …
Union Military Information Civil War Facts
3 days ago · In ascending order of size, units were: company, regiment brigade, division, corps. Theoretically, company strength was 100; regiment, 1,000; brigade, 4,000; and division, …
Category : Units of the American Civil War by size - Wikimedia
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
American Civil War Infantry Organization - Thomas' Legion
During the American Civil War, the infantry was organized into corps, divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies of men. Battalions, not reflected in the chart below, were …
List of United States Regular Army Civil War units - Wikipedia
The following is a list of the units of the United States Regular Army during the American Civil War.
Union Organisations – Armies – American Civil War High Command
Aug 9, 2021 · As forces grew in size, divisions were grouped into Corps or other equivalent formations. An Army could designate a force as small as a few brigades or as number dozens …
From Regiment to President: The Structure and Command of …
Aug 14, 2017 · A Civil War division contained between three and five brigades, and was commanded by a major general. Confederate divisions tended to contain more brigades than …
Military Units of the Civil War
Mar 23, 2025 · Military Units of the Civil War. Perhaps in other war was the esprit of the regiment more vital or apparent than in the civil war.
American Civil War. There were a number of different armies operating concurrently in the various theaters of the war. i.e. The Army of the Potomac, The Army of the Cumberland, The Army of …
13 What were the organization and strengths of various units in …
of the Civil War_.) First, always remember that most Civil War units in the field were only at anywhere between 20% to 40% of their full strength. Thus, while in theory a company …
DOTMLPF Artillery Insights From The American Civil War
Jan 16, 2025 · The article discusses the organizational challenges faced by federal and Confederate artillery during the American Civil War, emphasizing the pre-war practice of …