chess tips and tricks for beginners - Search
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  1. 13 Chess Tips and Tricks For Beginners: Become a Champ - Enthu

    • I have been spending a lot of time reading books and theories onopening strategies and middle games. From Giaochino Greco to Aron Nimzowitsch, I have studied many chess theorists. And the onl… See more

    Use Your Pawn

    Wisely François-André Danican Philidor said “Pawns are the soul of the game.”I suggest every beginner out there learn the power of the pawns. Because, as Philidor sai… See more

    Concentrate on Your Pawn

    Structure Pawns are the foot soldiers in the war on the board. You must build a fort using your pawn. Go through books. Study important games in the history of the chess game. But f… See more

    Avoid Isolated Pawns

    Always consider the pawns like ants. A pawn is useful only when there are other pawns surrounding it. But if your opponent’s pieces find an isolated pawn, it’s as bad as a broken d… See more

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