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Quercus pagoda - Wikipedia
Quercus pagoda, the cherrybark oak, is one of the most highly valued red oaks in the southern United States. It is larger and better formed than southern red oak and commonly grows on more moist sites. Its strong wood and straight form make it an excellent timber tree. Many wildlife species use its acorns as … See more
Size: Cherrybark oaks often attain heights of 30 to 40 meters (100 to 130 feet) and trunk diameters of 91 to 152 centimeters (36 to 60 inches), making it among the largest of the red oaks in the South. It is one of the hardiest … See more
Cherrybark oak has a disjunct (discontinuous) distribution. It is common in the Carolinas and in the lower Mississippi Valley but … See more
Natural reproduction occurs on areas protected from fire and grazing. Being intolerant of shade, cherrybark oak requires full light for development, which in turn promotes heavy competition from herbs, vines, and brush. Seedling development is … See more
Many wildlife species use cherrybark acorns as a substantial part of their diets. Common species are the gray and fox squirrel, white-tailed deer, raccoon, and many birds (such as See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Quercus pagoda (Cherry Bark Oak, …
Cherrybark Oak is a native deciduous tree and one of the most highly valued red oaks in SE USA. It is common in the Carolinas and can grow to 130 feet in the wild with a straight trunk and is …
Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda): History, Range, …
Feb 3, 2025 · Quercus pagoda, commonly known as the Cherrybark Oak, is a member of the Quercus genus within the Fagaceae family. This species is part of the red oak group, …
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Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) - Illinois Wildflowers
Cherrybark Oak occurs with other moisture-loving deciduous trees, sometimes becoming co-dominant with Quercus palustris (Pin Oak). In the southeastern United States, it is sometimes cultivated as a street tree.
Cherrybark oak is grows mostly in humid, temperate climate characterized by hot summers and mild winters where surface soil pH is acid to medium acid. It is a lowland tree but is seldom …
Cherrybark Oak - Missouri Department of Conservation
The bark of cherrybark oak looks like the bark of a cherry tree. When you hold one of the leaves with the leaf stalk upward, the pointed lobes make the leaf resemble an outline of a Chinese …
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Quercus pagoda (Cherrybark Oak) - FSUS
Common name: Cherrybark Oak, Swamp Spanish Oak, Pagoda oak. Phenology: Apr-May; Sep-Nov (of the second year). Habitat: Bottomland forests, especially on second terraces, also …
Quercus pagoda - USDA Plants Database
Quercus pagoda Raf. cherrybark oak. Profile pages. General; Images; Synonyms; Wetland; Related Links; Sources; Characteristics; cherrybark oak General Information ... cherrybark oak …
Cherrybark Oak | Glen Arboretum - Towson University
Quercus pagoda Raf. Cherrybark oak (family Fagaceae) is a large deciduous tree that can reach heights of 130 feet. ³ As the gray bark matures, it sometimes forms plates resembling that of black cherry, hence the common name.
Plant FAQs: Quercus Pagoda – Cherrybark Oak
Quercus Pagoda, commonly referred to as Cherrybark Oak, is a native tree in the southeastern United States. It’s a member of the red oak group and gets its name from its distinctive bark, …
cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) · iNaturalist
Quercus pagoda, the cherrybark oak, is one of the most highly valued red oaks in the southern United States. It is larger and better formed than southern red oak and commonly grows on more moist sites. Its strong wood and straight form …
Cherrybark Oak | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Cherrybark Oak is among the strongest and highest quality of the oaks in the red oak group. Related Species: Related Articles: Scans/Pictures: There are currently no pictures of this exact …
Virginia Tech Dendrology Fact Sheet
cherrybark oak Fagaceae Quercus pagoda Raf. symbol: QUPA5 Leaf: Alternate, simple, 5 to 8 inches long, 5 to 9, bristle tipped lobes which are shallower than Quercus falcata, margins of …
Native plant of the month: Quercus pagoda (Cherrybark oak)
Apr 24, 2023 · Cherrybark oak is a relatively fast growing, long-lived large deciduous tree with attractive dark bark broken into shallow longitudinal fissures and cross cracks similar to a …
Cherrybark Oak ( Quercus pagoda )
Cherrybark oak is often classified as a variety of Spanish oak (Quercus falcata), but the two trees differ in several important ways. Cherrybark oak occurs on moist sites, in bottomlands, for …
Cherrybark Oak - Catman Outdoors
Southern red oak leaves, however, have a rusty color on the underside, while those of cherrybark oak are more of a whitish-green color underneath. Leaf shape of southern red oak is also more …
Cherrybark Oak - Bold Spring
Quercus pagoda | This tough native shade tree has proven itself in hot dry settings throughout the east. As the tree matures, the bark on Cherrybark oak develops a striking resemblance to a …
Quercus pagoda | Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia | Cherrybark …
Quercus pagoda is a fast-growing broadleaf deciduous tree with green foliage. Attracts birds. Grows well with sun and regular water. Does well in average, rich and well-drained soil. A …
Quercus pagoda Rafinesque — Cherrybark Oak - ngaflora.com
May 21, 2015 · Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) - Tree becoming 32 m. tall, the bark blackish or gray-brown, roughened with plate-like scales; leaf-blades oval to elliptic in outline, 15—30 cm. …
Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) - MushroomExpert.Com
Bark: Dark gray; smooth at first, becoming scaly with plate-like scales, reminiscent of black cherry bark. Acorns: Bitter; to 1/2 inch long; base enclosed in a shallow cup with hairy scales. This …
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