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  1. Characteristics of the deep sea include12345:
    • Extreme cold temperatures (below 5 degrees Celsius)
    • High pressure (about 200 times atmospheric pressure at sea level)
    • Absence of sunlight
    • Limited food availability
    • Unique ecosystems
    • Adaptations in organisms to survive under these extreme conditions
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    The deep-sea is defined as the part of the ocean below 200 meters depth. This environment Is considered extremely harsh with temperatures of below 5 degrees Celsius, extreme pressure (2,000 meters equals about 200 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level), and no sunlight.
    The deep sea is the largest habitat on Earth. Despite the low temperatures, extreme ambient pressures, absence of sunlight and low resource availability, it supports a rich abundance of life in an array of unique ecosystems.…
    This means the “deep” is the part of our ocean that is dark, cold, food-poor, subject to intense pressure, and typically deeper than 200 meters.
    Organisms living in the deep ocean must be adapted to survive under extreme pressure, limited light, cold temperatures, and other factors. Organisms living in the deep ocean must survive in a physical environment that is radically different from ocean habitats near the sea surface.

    Deep sea habitat

    • Introduction Ocean zones. The deep sea floor represents the largest habitat on earth. ...
    • Characteristics The temperature of the waters of the deep sea varies from 4°C to -1°C. ...
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    See all on Wikipedia

    Deep sea - Wikipedia

    The deep sea is broadly defined as the ocean depth where light begins to fade, at an approximate depth of 200 m (660 ft) or the point of transition from continental shelves to continental slopes. Conditions within the deep sea are a combination of low temperatures, darkness, and high pressure. The deep sea is … See more

    Natural light does not penetrate the deep ocean, with the exception of the upper parts of the mesopelagic. Since photosynthesis is not possible, plants and phytoplankton cannot … See more

    It has been suggested that more is known about the Moon than the deepest parts of the ocean. This is a common misconception based on a 1953 statement by George E.R. Deacon published in the Journal of Navigation, and largely refers to the scarce amount … See more

    Deep Sea Foraminifera – Deep Sea Foraminifera from 4400 meters depth, Antarctica - an image gallery and description of hundreds of specimens
    Deep Ocean Exploration on the Smithsonian Ocean Portal See more

    Overview image

    Regions below the epipelagic are divided into further zones, beginning with the bathyal zone (also considered the continental slope) which spans from 200 to 3000 meters … See more

    Deep ocean water – Cold, salty water deep below the surface of Earth's oceans
    Submarine landslide – Landslides that transport sediment across the continental shelf and into the deep ocean
    The Blue Planet – 2001 British nature documentary … See more

    Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license
  3. The Deep Sea - Smithsonian Ocean

    Oceanographers divide the majority of the ocean midwater into five broad zones. The very deepest depth of the ocean is roughly 2,000 meters deeper than Mount Everest is tall—36,070 feet deep (10,994 m)! Each zone has a different mix of …

  4. Animals That Live In The Deep Ocean - WorldAtlas

  5. What is the “deep” ocean? - NOAA Ocean Exploration

    What is the “deep” ocean? The deep ocean is generally defined as the depth at which light begins to dwindle, typically around 200 meters (656 feet). Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer explores the Mariana Trench at the depth …

  6. Deep Sea Adaptation: Characteristics and Adaptive …

    In this article we will discuss about the Deep Sea Adaptation:- 1. Introduction to Deep Sea Adaptation 2. Characteristics of Deep Sea 3. Adaptive Characters 4. Examples. Introduction to Deep Sea Adaptation: Usually lightless sea bottom …

  7. Deep Sea Biology - Dive & Discover

    The deep-sea is defined as the part of the ocean below 200 meters depth. This environment Is considered extremely harsh with temperatures of below 5 degrees Celsius, extreme pressure (2,000 meters equals about 200 times the …

  8. People also ask
  9. Deep-Sea Life and Habitats - Deep Sea Conservation …

    The deep sea is the largest habitat on Earth. Despite the low temperatures, extreme ambient pressures, absence of sunlight and low resource availability, it supports a rich abundance of life in an array of unique ecosystems.

  10. A Look at Life in the Deep Sea | Smithsonian Ocean

    Animals found in the midwater have evolved interesting features and adaptations that are key to their survival in the deep, dark habitat. Explore these photos taken of organisms found off the coast of California by Dr. Karen Osborn, a curator …

  11. The Deep Sea Ecosystem: Life In The Dark And Cold …

    Jul 12, 2019 · Deep-sea exploration has revealed varied landscapes, which include volcanoes, seamounts, hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps. Different types of fauna also inhabit such ecosystems despite extreme temperatures, …

  12. What conditions exist for life in the deep ocean?

    The conditions in the deep ocean are vastly different – and arguably more extreme – than those found in more shallow ocean waters, making these habitats different from other places on Earth.

  13. Physical zones of the deep ocean - Department of Conservation

  14. Deep-Sea Ecosystems: Adaptations & Animals | Vaia

  15. deep-sea life - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

  16. Deep sea habitat - Coastal Wiki

  17. Exploring the Mysteries of Deep Sea Ecosystems - Green Living …

  18. Deep Sea - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

  19. Life in the Deep Sea - Let's Talk Science

  20. The Enigmatic World of Deep-Sea Creatures - Science by Zeba …

  21. Deep Sea Biome - Untamed Science

  22. Sea Lilies (Crinoids) Explained - Characteristics, Habitat ...

  23. Auxetic behavior and energy absorption characteristics of a lattice ...

  24. What Is Deep Sea Fishing l Deep Sea Fishing Tips For Beginners