canadian human rights act website - Search
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  1. Canadian Human Rights Act, RSC 1985, c H-6 - CanLII

    Designation of investigator 1. 43 (1)The Commission may designate a person, in this Part referred to as an “investigator”, to investigate a complaint. 2. Manner of investigation(2)An investigator shall investigate a complaint in a manner authorized by regulations made pursuant to subsection (4). 3. Power to enter(2.1)Subject to such limitations as ...


    Appointment of conciliator 1. 47 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Commission may, on the filing of a complaint, or if the complaint has not been 1.1. (a)settled in the course of investigation by an investigator, 1.2. (b) referred or dismissed under subsection 44(2) or (3) or paragraph 45(2)(a) or 46(2)(a), or 1.3. (c) settled after receipt by the...

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    Referral of a settlement to Commission 1. 48 (1)When, at any stage after the filing of a complaint and before the commencement of a hearing before a Human Rights Tribunal in respect thereof, a settlement is agreed on by the parties, the terms of the settlement shall be referred to the Commission for approval or rejection. 2. Certificate(2)If the Co...

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    Establishment of Tribunal 1. 48.1 (1)There is hereby established a tribunal to be known as the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal consisting, subject to subsection (6), of a maximum of 18 members, including a Chairperson and a Vice-chairperson, as may be appointed by the Governor in Council. 2. Qualifications for appointment of members(2)Persons appoin...

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    Request for inquiry 1. 49 (1)At any stage after the filing of a complaint, the Commission may request the Chairperson of the Tribunal to institute an inquiry into the complaint if the Commission is satisfied that, having regard to all the circumstances of the complaint, an inquiry is warranted. 2. Chairperson to institute inquiry(2)On receipt of a ...

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