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Brigham Young and the Mountain Meadows Massacre - Wikipedia
- The Mountain Meadows Massacre victimized several groups of emigrants from the northwestern Arkansas region who had started their treks to California in early 1857, joining along the way and becoming known as the Baker–Fancher party. For the decade prior the emigrants' arrival, Utah Territory had existed essentially as a theocracy led by Brigham You...
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Brigham Young - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brigham Young (June 1, 1801 – August 29, 1877) was the second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon church) and the first Governor of the American …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Brigham Young | Mormon Leader, Pioneer, Colonizer
Feb 6, 2025 · Brigham Young (born June 1, 1801, Whitingham, Vermont, U.S.—died August 29, 1877, Salt Lake City, Utah) was an American religious …
What Really Happened Between Jim Bridger and …
Jim Bridger met Brigham Young on June 28, 1847, near the mouth of the Little Sandy in present-day Wyoming. Bridger and two of his men were riding east to Fort Laramie, and Brigham Young was leading a pioneer group of 143 …
Brigham Young - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, …
Sep 15, 2023 · Learn about the life and legacy of Brigham Young, the second prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Find out how he led the Mormon Exodus, built the Utah Territory, and faced the Mountain …
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Brigham Young — Wikipédia
Brigham Young, né le 1er juin 1801 à Whitingham, dans le Vermont, et mort le 27 décembre 1877 à Salt Lake City 1, fut le successeur de Joseph Smith comme président de l' Église de Jésus-Christ des saints des derniers jours de 1847 à …
Brigham Young University - Simple English Wikipedia, …
Brigham Young University (BYU) is an American university. It is named after the second Latter-day Saints prophet, Brigham Young. The school is in Provo, Utah. Their team colors are royal blue and white. [1] Their mascot is the cougar. [2] …
BYU Cougars men's basketball - Wikipedia
The BYU Cougars men's basketball team represents Brigham Young University in NCAA Division I basketball play. It currently competes in the Big 12 Conference.Established in 1902, the team has won 27 conference …
Brigham Young University - Mormonism, The Mormon Church, …
Oct 14, 2024 · Originally established on October 16, 1875, as the Brigham Young Academy, Brigham Young University was founded on principles of combined spiritual and secular …
Doctrine and Covenants Historical Resources: …
Brigham Young was born in Whitingham, Vermont, in 1801. He married Miriam Angeline Works in 1824. In April 1832, Young was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Following Miriam’s death in September …
Brigham Young Biography - Childhood, Life Achievements
Brigham Young was an American religious leader who was the second president of the Mormon Church. This biography of Brigham Young provides detailed information about his childhood, …
Brigham Young – Wikipedia
Brigham Young (* 1. Juni 1801 in Whitingham, Vermont, USA; † 29. August 1877 in Salt Lake City) war der zweite Präsident und Prophet der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage …
Brigham Young - Wikipedia
Brigham Young (Whitingham, 1º giugno 1801 – Salt Lake City, 29 agosto 1877) è stato un religioso statunitense, secondo presidente della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi …
Brigham Young - Biography, Facts, Conflicts - HISTORY
Nov 9, 2009 · Brigham Young succeeded founder Joseph Smith as the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1847; he led the church until his death in 1877. After …
The Brigham Young Center · Home · Brigham Young Papers
- An ongoing archive of Brigham Young's papers, arranged by category. - A collection of references that list notable books and articles that have been written about Brigham Young or …
Brigham Young University - Wikipedia
La Brigham Young University è un'università privata statunitense. Il campus universitario si trova a Provo, nella Salt Lake Valley.
Profiles of the Prophets: Brigham Young - Religious Studies Center
Brigham Young was the man the Lord raised up to accomplish overwhelming tasks in an especially difficult time—and accomplish them he did. It is little wonder that he is known as the …
Brigham Young Cougars Men's Basketball - Sports-Reference.com
Brigham Young Cougars Men's Basketball School History. Location: Provo, Utah Coverage: 123 seasons (1902-03 to 2024-25) Record (since 1902-03): 1963-1156 .629 W-L% Conferences: …
Descendants of Brigham Young | Familypedia | Fandom
Brigham Young ( / ˈbrɪɡəm /; June 1, 1801 – August 29, 1877) was an American leader in the Latter Day Saint movement and a settler of the Western United States. He was the President …