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Hussar - Wikipedia
The Mounted Escort, popularly known as Blue Hussars, was an Irish Army unit which was used for state and ceremonial functions and wore bright blue hussar-style uniforms. They were created in 1932 and disbanded in 1948. See more
A hussar was a member of a class of light cavalry, originally from the Kingdom of Hungary during the 15th and 16th centuries. The title and distinctive dress of these horsemen were subsequently widely adopted by light … See more
Early Hungarian hussars
The hussars reportedly originated in bands of Serb warriors, crossing into southern Hungary after the Ottoman conquest of Serbia in … See moreEtymologists are divided over the derivation of the word hussar. Several alternative theories are summarised below: See more
18th century European hussar formations
Hussars throughout Europe followed a different line of development than the Polish hussars. During the early decades of the 17th century, … See moreThe colourful military uniforms of hussars from 1700 onwards were inspired by the prevailing Hungarian fashions of the day. Usually, this uniform consisted of a short jacket known as a dolman, or later a medium-length atilla jacket, both with heavy, horizontal See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Blue Hussars - Wikipedia
A uniform was originally designed by a committee that included Irish artist Seán Keating, consisting of a saffron léine (a form of tunic) with six rows of black braid and black cuffs, a blue brat (a fringed medieval shawl/cloak), tight pantaloons and a black Balmoral cap with saffron feather. For reasons that remain unknown, the original designs for the uniforms were not adopted.
The uniform design finally selected and produced for the unit consisted of tunic and breeches co…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Uniforms of La Grande Armée - Wikipedia
The uniform of the Horse artillery of the line was made of a hussar-style blue coat with red braids, red cuffs and brass buttons. They wore blue piped red hussar …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
HM French Napoleonic Hussar Uniforms - histomin.com
Generally, trumpeters were supposed to wear their uniform in the reverse colors of the regiment. They rode white or gray horses with a black sheepskin saddle cover. Since the uniforms were …
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The Pantaloons and trousers for hussars were of blue cloth except for the 11th Hussars who had crimson cloth. Since 1864, double gold lace stripes ¾ inches wide and ¼ inch apart were worn down the outside seams of pantaloons and …
The Uniforms Of The Austria-Hungary Empire: A Visual History
Feb 17, 2025 · The uniforms of the Austro-Hungarian Army, also known as the Imperial and Royal Army, underwent several changes during the empire's existence. Initially, soldiers wore long …
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The Hussars history, uniforms, and influence on fashion | THE …
Feb 11, 2025 · Close-fitting breeches made from thin wool were embroidered with braid and tucked into leather boots with folds on the uppers. Pelisse, dolman and breeches were usually …
Happy St. Patrick’s Day: The Irish Blue Hussars
Mar 17, 2019 · According to Andrew Cusack, the uniform of Ireland’s Blue Hussars included a “blue tunic & breeches, yellow frogging & lace, and black sealskin busby with yellow-orange plume,” which must have looked magnificent.
Uniforms - The 7th Hussars and The 4th Hussars
Below is a description of the basic orders of dress for hussar regiments, in regards to the different combinations of headdress, legwear, and tunics as addressed by the regulations set forth for la Grande Armee.
Dress | The King's Royal Hussars | KRH Uniform History
The Crossed Kukris are worn by all ranks on the upper part of both sleeves on Blue Patrols, Service Dress and Mess Dress. The 14th/20th King ‘s Hussars were originally granted the unique honour of wearing Crossed Kukris b y the 43rd …
The Blue Hussars | andrewcusack.com
Apr 1, 2010 · The Army decided not to go with Keating’s proposal but instead adopted the uniform of the 8th King’s Royal Irish Hussars: blue tunic & breeches, yellow frogging & lace, and black …
Photographs do show that plain blue frocks were in use for barrack wear. Early examples are in the Norfolk jacket style with fabric strips down each side of the front and back. When the 19th …
The Husaren - Kaiser's Bunker
The colorful uniforms of the Husaren (Light Cavalry) first appeared in 1721 when a blue Kollet (a waist-length jacket with tails) with rows of ornamental braiding on the chest was introduced …
German Uniforms Military Uniforms - Hussar Military Jackets
Royal Blue with Gold bullion Cord and Braid. Fabric: Wool Blazer, Heavy Cotton, Jean Wool and write your require.
The majority of hussar bands wore scarlet caps with yellow bands. The 13th wore white caps with blue bands, the 19th white, the 20th crimson and the 21st French grey; all with yellow bands. …
Portail de la Police Grand-Ducale - Luxembourg
2 days ago · Ce site vous présente la Police du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, son historique, ses missions (prévention, lutte contre le crime, sécurité, protection de la jeunesse) et services aux …
Alteckendorf - Wikipedia
In 1940, two Alteckendorfois fighting in French uniform were killed in the fighting against the Germans, one near Seltz and one near Rennes. On 25 August 1942, when Alsace was not …
Siel Bleu - La santé par l'activité physique adaptée
Les professionnels de Siel Bleu vous accompagnent au quotidien : Bouger est vital pour notre organisme et le mouvement est le propre de l’humain. L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé …
Long-term river trajectories to enhance restoration efficiency and ...
Aug 28, 2017 · Here we show the relevance of an interdisciplinary study for improving restoration within the framework of a European LIFE+ project on the French side of the Upper-Rhine …
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