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- Find the meaning and origin of the idiom 'better safe than sorry' and see examples of this phrase in sentences.knowyourphrase.com/better-safe-than-sorry
Better Safe Than Sorry – Proverb, Meaning & Examples
The widely used phrase “better safe than sorry” is a pretty self-explanatory proverb. Ultimately, it means it’s better to take any precautions and just be safe, even if it seems excessive or totally unnecessary. It’s just better to do it rather than risk harm or regret later. We always use it to encourage caution, especially … See more
I’m not sure of the exact origin. It’s hard to really pinpoint when phrases like this were created without concrete documentation. It can, however, be traced back to Samuel Lover, an Irish novelist, in his story “Rory O’More,” which came out around 1837. We know it’s been in use … See more
- 1. I’ll always wear a seatbelt when I drive because I like to be better safe than sorry.
- 2. I always bring an umbrella, even if the forecast says it’s not going to rain. Bette…
- 3. Better safe than sorry; I’ll make a backup of my important files. See more
Both “better safe than sorry” and “better to be safe than sorry” are completely acceptable to be used at any given time and have the exact same meaning. One is a more relaxed version of it, while the other (better to be safe than sorry) is more grammatically correct … See more
Now you should have a better idea of how to use this common phrase in conversation and even in your writing. Remember that both versions, ‘better safe than sorry’ and ‘better to be safe than sorry,’ are equally correct when talking about precautionary … See more
Essay on It is Better to be Safe than Sorry - Study Today
Dec 18, 2017 · According to Cambridge Dictionary, ‘It is better to be safe than sorry’ is a famous proverb that means that ‘when you think it is best not to take …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Better Safe Than Sorry: Idiom Meaning, Origin, and …
The phrase ‘better safe than sorry’ means that it’s wiser to choose the safer option than the riskier one. Basically, it’s better to avoid potential problems rather …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Read the following sentences from the play: - Brainly.com
Nov 28, 2023 · The figure of speech in the provided sentences is a proverb, specifically the phrase "Better safe than sorry." This proverb suggests that it is wiser to be cautious and take …
What Does Better Safe Than Sorry Mean? - Writing Explained
People say better safe than sorry in order to spur others to make sensible choices. For example, someone might say better safe than sorry when buckling the seatbelt in a car, which will …
Expansion of an Idea / Proverb - "Its Better to Be Safe …
The proverb “It’s better to be safe than sorry” is a well-known saying that suggests that it is better to take precautions and be careful to avoid potential problems than to face the consequences of being careless or taking unnecessary risks.
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Better Safe Than Sorry – Meaning & Example Sentences
The idiom “better safe than sorry” means it’s smarter to take precautions or be cautious, even if it seems unnecessary, rather than risk something bad happening because you didn’t prepare. …
it’s better to be safe than sorry - The Idioms
Sep 19, 2020 · it’s better to be safe than sorry idiom meaning, origin, examples in a sentence, dark meanings, definition, synonyms, interesting facts, backstory, and the history of the phrase.
Better Safe than Sorry | Phrase Definition, Origin & Examples
When you say ‘Better Safe than Sorry’ you mean it’s a good idea to take precautionary measures before something bad happens. Example of use: “Put your seatbelt back on. Better safe than …
Better Safe than Sorry... - English for Students
Better Safe than Sorry. This proverb means that it is always better to refrain from taking rash decisions. Every situation needs to be looked into and analyzed before embarking on a plan of …
Better Safe Than Sorry – Meaning, Origin & Examples
Nov 28, 2024 · The proverb “Better Safe Than Sorry” means it’s wiser to avoid risks than to face potential regrets. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and taking preventive …
It’s better to be safe than sorry - English Plus Podcast
Feb 17, 2024 · Discover the wisdom behind the proverb "It's Better to Be Safe Than Sorry." Explore its relevance in everyday life, emphasizing the importance of prudence and …
Meaning of Better safe than sorry | Idioms & Phrases - RedKiwi …
"Better safe than sorry" conveys a tone of prudence and wisdom. It suggests that it's better to err on the side of caution rather than regretting not being careful later on. Can “Better safe than …
It is better to be safe than sorry. - Proverb | Quotation.io
This quote emphasizes the importance of taking precautions and being prepared to avoid potential risks or negative outcomes. It suggests that it is more advisable to choose the safer …
English Lesson: "Better safe than sorry." | PhraseMix.com
"Better safe than sorry" is a very common expression that almost all English speakers are familiar with. You can also say it as a full sentence: It's better to be safe than sorry.
Better to be safe than sorry - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Definition of better to be safe than sorry in the Idioms Dictionary. better to be safe than sorry phrase. What does better to be safe than sorry expression mean? Definitions by the largest …
'Better Safe Than Sorry' Meaning - UsingEnglish.com
What does the idiom 'Better Safe Than Sorry' mean? With a clear, concise definition and usage examples, discover this idiom's meaning and usage in the English language. Explore with us …
Better (to be) safe than sorry - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
It is better to expend the time or effort to be cautious with one's actions than to feel regret about one's carelessness later. It might be nothing, but you should take your car to the mechanic …
Today's Idiom = " Better Safe Than Sorry - GoEnglish
"Better safe than sorry" (proverb) says that it is better to do something carefully ("safe") than to be careless and make a mistake that you are sad ("sorry") about later. Example: "Should I bring …
Better safe than sorry - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
It is better to expend the time or effort to be cautious with one's actions than to feel regret about one's carelessness later. It might be nothing, but you should take your car to the mechanic …
Speech: We will not back down – A turning point to push forward …
1 day ago · [As delivered.] This year marks three decades since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set forth a bold vision and game-changing roadmap for equality. In 1995, …
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