best pigs for small homestead - Search
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  1. The Best Pig Breeds for Beginners and …

    • Commercial pigshave been bred through the years to maximize meat production. That’s the one quality that’s most important to the commercial growers because they want to maximize profits o… See more

    Full-Grown Size of The Pig Breed

    This may only be something to consider if you plan on breeding your pigs. Some breeds top out at weights of 200 lbs while others can get up to 400+ lbs. Typically you reach slaug… See more

    Outdoor Happens
    The Pig’S Ability to Forage

    As I said, most heritage breeds have been bred specifically to be pasture-raised animals. They do not require commercial feed as long as you supplement their intake in the winte… See more

    Outdoor Happens
    Fat-To-Meat Ratio

    Some pigs are specifically bred as lard pigs and some are known for their lean meat. It’s important to think about what your favorite cuts of pork are and your own taste when it comes to e… See more

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