basic skirt pattern drawing - Search
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  1. How to Draft the Basic Skirt Pattern - The Shapes of …

    To draft this pattern, you’ll need these measurements: 1. waist 2. hip 3. distance from waist to hip 4. total length of the skirt: waist to knee for basic skirt block Divide the first two measurements (waist and hip circumference) in half, because the pattern only covers half of the total circumference. Then add 1cm (0.39in.) of ease to the hip mea...

    The Shapes of Fabric

    Now that you have all the numbers, you can start by drafting a rectangle where the width is your half hip measurement +ease and the height is the total length of the skirt. Mark the hip level using your waist to hip measurement. Like this: Divide the rectangle vertically in half, right in the middle. This will become the side seam. Extend the line ...

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    Whichever way you choose, the final step is to add some roundness to the pattern. Meaning, the area of the hips at the side seam and the waistline. Trace the two pattern pieces. You should cut the waistline with the darts closed to get the correct dart allowance shape. Now your basic skirt pattern block is ready. The front piece is cut on the fold....

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    So you have your basic skirt block. Now what? On my blog, you can find quite a few articles on skirt pattern alterations. Check out also my shop pagefor Skirt pattern guides!

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