basement waterproofing before and after - Search
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  1. Waterproofing Basement Walls: The Dos and Don’ts - Bob Vila

    • During a rainy season, a crack in a basement wall can allow an inch or two of water in. Before you do anything to repair the crack, remove all the water from the floor. Working in a flooding basementincreas… See more

    Do Fill Cracks with Hydraulic Cement.

    Another area where cracks are commonly found is at the bottom of the basement walls. When a foundation is poured, its footing—a wide flat base made from concrete a… See more

    Bob Vila
    Don’T Forget to Address Window Well Leaks.

    Window wells are a common source of basement wall leaks because they tend to retain water if a proper drainage system wasn’t installed beneath the well when the house was … See more

    Bob Vila
    Do Apply A Masonry Waterproofing Product to Bare Interior Basement Walls.

    If your foil test showed that water is soaking through your basement walls and leaving them wet, you’ll want to get on with waterproofing basement walls from the inside: Sea… See more

    Bob Vila
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