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Austrian Infantry Regiments and Their Commanders 1792-1815:
A comprehensive list of Austrian infantry regiments and their commanders during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, based on official sources and historical research. Learn …
Austrian Infantry of the Napoleonic Wars : Uniforms - ATSPACE
List of regiments of the Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic Wars
- Austria had no "guards" in the sense of the later German Gardekorps or French Garde Impériale; but there were various court and palace guards.
The Austrian Imperial-Royal Army (Kaiserliche …
The Austrian Imperial-Royal Army (Kaiserliche-Königliche Heer) 1805 – 1809: Introduction By Enrico Acerbi. The following table explains why the year 1809 (Anno Neun in Austria) was chosen in order to present one of the most …
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Austrian Infantry Regiments Part I - Napoleon Series
A comprehensive list of Austrian infantry regiments from 1761 to 1815, with their designations, colonels, recruitment areas, and headquarters. Includes regiments from different nationalities, …
Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars : …
Austria was one of the five major players of the Napoleonic Wars. The Austrian Imperial-Royal Army (Kaiserliche-Königliche Heer) was large and well trained. In 1809 it comprised 261,000 …
Regiments were distinguished by distinctive facing colours displayed on the turnbacks, cuffs, collars and edging to shoulder straps. The crested helmet was introduced in 1798.
Austrian Infantry (Grenadiers-Jagers-Fusiliers-Grenzers).
After the defeat in 1809 Austria ceded some territories and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Grenzer Regiment went into French service. They served for Napoleon until 1814. Below are …
Imperial and Royal Army during the Napoleonic Wars
An Austrian line regiment typically consisted of two field battalions - Leib-and Oberst-battalions - each of six fusilier companies; also, a grenadier division of two companies, which were …
Austrian Generals, Officers and Privates During the Napoleonic …
On picture: Battle of Leipzig - Austrian 20th and 24th Infantry Regiment (Hungarians) attack the Dölitz Chateau defended by Polish and French troops. The attackers are led by Colonel von …
Austrian Infantry Regiments Part III - Napoleon Series
Austrian Infantry Regiments and Their Commanders 1792-1815: Line Infantry Regiments Nrs. 21 - 30 By Stephen Millar Note: Each regiment is listed with its final unit designation of the …
Austrian Army and Navy - No-IP
There were 15 Hungarian Regiments at the start of the Napoleonic Wars with a slightly different organization than the Austrian Line Troops. There were 1200 men per Battalion with three …
Austrian Army during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic …
The key feature of the Austrian army during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792–1815) was that, due to the multi-national nature of the territories, regiments were split into German …
Austrian Cavalry of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792 …
Austria was one of the five major players of the Napoleonic Wars. In early 19th century, the Austrian army (Kaiserliche-Königliche Heer) was the third largest and one of the best-trained …
The Napoleon Series: Organization, Strategy & Tactics
During the Napoleonic Wars, there were numerous raids and attacks by British forces on French held islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
The Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic wars - Marshals …
The Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic wars was a formidable force on the European stage. Spanning a vast territory and drawing upon a rich military tradition, the Austrian Empire was …
Austrian Army during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic …
At the outset of war in 1793, the army numbered fifty-seven line regiments, and Seventeen Grenzer light infantry regiments. By 1793 there were 57 line infantry regiments, two garrison …
Austrian Cavalry of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792 …
Austria was one of the five major players of the Napoleonic Wars. In early 19th century, the Austrian army (Kaiserliche-Königliche Heer) was the third largest and one of the best-trained …
Ulm campaign - Wikipedia
The Ulm campaign was a series of French and Bavarian military maneuvers and battles to outflank and capture an Austrian army in 1805 during the War of the Third Coalition.It took …
Austrian Regular Infantry - Napoleon Series
It is not always understood that Austria continually put more men in to the field against Imperial France than any other power during the Napoleonic Wars. In 1813-14, for example, the total …
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