australian lawn weed identification - Search
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  1. Types of Weeds in Australia (Identification Guide wit…

    This weed is commonly found in lawns around Australia. It’s a broadleaf weed that has carrot-like leaves and forms a rosette. After flowering, the weed produces a seed capsule that has spurs. This is prickly and quite painful to walk on. This means that walking barefoot on a lawn that has bindii is almost impossible.

    Ultimate Backyard

    There is much controversy around dandelion being a weed as it does have some very useful characteristics and can even be used as a herbal remedy or to make tea. However, it’s not ideal in your lawn. Dandelion is an opportunistic plant that will especially grow in poor soil and bare patches of ground. It has deeply-notched leaves and produces a brig...

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    Spurge is an aggressive weed that forms a dense mat over the ground or in parts of your lawn. It has long stems or runners with opposite leaves that have dark spots on them. This weed is particularly common in hot and dry regions and thrives in compacted soils. It seeds prolifically and has a long tap root.

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    Oxalis is the bane of many gardeners including me. It can be extremely difficult to eradicate completely. This weed has yellow flowersand clover-like leaves. It multiplies through underground rhizomes and bulbs. This means that even if you pull it, and this is quite easy, there will still be many bulbs left in the soil that will continue to grow. M...

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    These weeds are succulents that can form a very dense mat over the soil. They have brown or pink runners that can spread quickly. The tiny bright green leaves grow along these runners. Once they start to grow, these weeds seed prolifically and will easily spread around your lawn and garden.

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