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- nounaptitude (noun) · aptitudes (plural noun)Originlate Middle English: via Old French from late Latin aptitudo, from aptus (see apt).
APTITUDE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Aptitude is a noun that means a natural ability, inclination, or capacity for something. Learn the synonyms, examples, word history, and related phrases of aptitude from Merriam-Webster …
APTITUDE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Aptitude is a noun that means a natural ability or skill. Learn how to use it in different contexts, such as education, business, and language, with synonyms and translations.
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APTITUDE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Aptitude is a noun that means a natural ability or skill. Learn how to use it in different contexts, such as business, education and personal development, and see synonyms and related words.
Aptitude - Wikipedia
An aptitude is a component of a competence to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. Outstanding aptitude can be considered "talent", or "skill". Aptitude is inborn potential to perform certain kinds of activities, whether physical or mental, and whether developed or undeveloped. Aptitude is often contrasted with skills and abilities, which are developed through learning. The mass term ability refers to components of competence acquired through a combination of both aptitud…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
What Is Aptitude? Definition and Common Tests - Indeed
Aptitude is the natural ability to learn or perform in a specific area. Learn about different types of aptitude, how to test them and how to highlight them in your job …
- Awareness of your aptitude, or natural strength, can be a powerful tool in your job search and finding a career that’s best suited for you. Finding a job you enjoy that aligns with your strength…
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aptitude noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Learn the meaning, pronunciation and usage of the word aptitude, which means natural ability or skill at doing something. See examples, synonyms and related words in the Oxford Advanced …
APTITUDE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Aptitude is a noun that means capability, ability, talent, readiness or fitness for something. Learn more about its origin, synonyms and usage in sentences from Dictionary.com.
What is APTITUDE? definition of …
Apr 7, 2013 · Aptitude is a person's innate capacity or potential to learn particular abilities or knowledge. Learn about the history, research, importance, and applications of aptitude in …
Aptitude - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
An aptitude is something you're good at. A rock star might have an aptitude for energizing an audience, or for trashing his hotel room. When you have a talent or do something well, people …
APTITUDE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Aptitude is the ability to learn or do something well, or the condition of being apt. Learn the synonyms, pronunciation, collocations and usage of aptitude with examples from Collins …
Meaning of aptitude – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
Aptitude is a noun that means a natural skill or an ability to do something well. For example, someone has an aptitude for learning languages. See more translations and examples of …
APTITUDE definition in American English - Collins Online Dictionary
Aptitude is the quality of being apt or appropriate, or a natural tendency or ability. Learn more about its meaning, synonyms, examples, and translations in American English.
Aptitude - definition of aptitude by The Free Dictionary
Aptitude is an innate or acquired ability, talent, or skill for something. It can also mean suitability, fitness, or readiness for learning. See synonyms, translations, and usage examples of aptitude.
Aptitude Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Aptitude is an inherent ability, a natural tendency or inclination, or a quality of being suitable or appropriate. Learn more about the word forms, synonyms, antonyms, and examples of …
What does aptitude mean? - Definitions.net
Aptitude refers to a person's natural ability or skill to perform certain tasks or activities. It indicates an individual's innate or acquired capacity for learning, developing skills, and achieving …
aptitude noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of aptitude noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
APTITUDE - Learn the Meaning, Synonyms & Translations
Aptitude is someone's ability to learn and do well a particular kind of work or activity. Learn the pronunciation, collocations, and translations of aptitude in English and other languages.
Aptitude definitions - Meaning of Aptitude - Power Thesaurus
A natural or acquired disposition or capacity for a particular purpose or tendency to a particular action or effect; as, oil has an aptitude to burn.
aptitude | meaning of aptitude in Longman Dictionary of …
Aptitude is the natural ability or skill to do something, especially in learning. Learn more about aptitude meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and usage examples from the Longman Dictionary of …
Aptitude - A Simplified Psychology Guide
Aptitude is a natural or acquired ability to excel in a specific task, field, or activity. Learn about its key features, such as task-specificity, performance, and efficient skill acquisition, and how to …
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