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  1. Dictionary
    filled (past tense) · filled (past participle)
    1. cause (a space or container) to become full or almost full:
      "I filled the bottle with water" · "the office was filled with reporters"
      make/become full
      fill to the brim
      fill to overflowing
      load (up)
      pack (into)
      occupy all of
      press into
      squeeze into
      cram (into)
      block up
      bung up
      clog (up)
      dam up
      • become full:
        "Elinor's eyes filled with tears"
      • insert material to block or close (a gap or opening):
        "road engineers planned to fill the hole with concrete" · "he said the scheme would fill a gap in the market"
      • block up (a cavity in a tooth) with cement, amalgam, or gold.
      • nautical
        (of the wind) blow into (a sail), causing it to curve outwards.
      • nautical
        (of a sail) curve out tautly from its supports as the wind blows into it.
    2. become an overwhelming presence in; pervade:
      "a pungent smell of garlic filled the air" · "smoke filled the room"
      spread throughout/through
      be diffused through
      diffuse through
      pass through
      extend throughout
      be disseminated through
      flow through
      • occupy or take up (a period of time):
        "the next few days were filled with meetings" · "I had to find something to do to fill my time this summer"
      • cause (someone) to experience a strong emotion or feeling:
        "his presence filled us with foreboding"
    3. appoint a person to hold (a vacant post):
      "the board contacted him to say they had already filled the position"
      be supplied with the items described in (a prescription or order):
      "she needed to fill a prescription"
    5. (in poker) complete (a good hand) by drawing the necessary cards.
    Old English fyllan (verb), fyllu (noun) of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vullen and German füllen (verbs), Fülle (noun), also to full.
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  2. Antonyms & Near Antonyms emptied cleared vacated evacuated eliminated drained exhausted
    What are opposite words of Filled? Empty, devoid, void, needy.
    Antonyms empty void vacant devoid blank exhausted
    Antonyms: blank, empty, leisure, unemployed, unfilled, unoccupied, untenanted, vacant, vacuous, void, waste
    Advertisement Synonyms for FILLED: full, replete, suffused, permeated, congested, engorged, glutted, gorged, gravid, brimming; Antonyms for FILLED: unfilled, taken, spent, used, drained, exhausted, voided, emptied, depleted, emptied.
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  6. FILLED - 90 Synonyms and Antonyms - Cambridge English

  7. Filled Synonyms and Antonyms - YourDictionary

    Synonyms for FILLED: full, replete, suffused, permeated, congested, engorged, glutted, gorged, gravid, brimming; Antonyms for FILLED: unfilled, taken, spent, used, drained, exhausted, voided, emptied, depleted, emptied.

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