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  1. Top 20 Must-Watch Anime Beach Episodes

    • The wind bites at your skin, the snow soaks your socks, and no matter how many blankets you pile on you, warmth seems to flee from your body. Why not try warming up with these must-watch anime beacSee more

    Episode 12 - "Save Me at The Beach! Save Me, I'm Naked! Just Save Me For Real!"

    From School Rumble Harima fails at life once again! He picked the wrong time to practice martial arts while naked and Eri got the horror of walking in on him when she returned to … See more
    Episode 10 & 11 - "Remote Island Syndrome"

    From Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Haruhi is sure that the SOS Brigade will solve a murder, even if there hasn't been a murder. What she gets is a remote island that appears to … See more
    Episode 8 - "God Goes to The Beach"

    From Kamisama Hajimemashita To cheer up a heartbroken Nanami, her friends invite her to the beach... only to have the source of the heartbreak, Tomoe, join them. Little did Nanam… See more
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