algebra over field formula - Search
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  1. Definition and motivation

    Let K be a field, and let A be a vector space over K equipped with an additional binary operation from A × A to A, denoted here by · (that is, if x and y are any two elements of A, then x · y is an element of A that is called the p… See more

    Basic concepts

    Given K-algebras A and B, a homomorphism of K-algebras or K-algebra homomorphism is a K-linear map f: A → B such that f(xy) = f(x) f(y) for all x, y in A. If A and B are unital, then a homomorphism satisfying f(… See more

    Kinds of algebras and examples

    Algebras over fields come in many different types. These types are specified by insisting on some further axioms, such as commutativity or associativity of the multiplication operation, which are not required in … See more

    Structure coefficients

    For algebras over a field, the bilinear multiplication from A × A to A is completely determined by the multiplication of basis elements of A. Conversely, once a basis for A has been chosen, the products of basis elements c… See more

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