adjusting kitchen door hinges uk - Search
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  1. Before you start adjusting any doors or hinges make sure you fit all your doors then decide which ones need adjusting. See more

    Work Methodically

    It’s best to start at one end of the kitchen and gradually work your way round adjusting them in turn - moving from one end of the kitchen to another. See more

    Kitchen Door Workshop
    Don’T Worry Its Very Simple to Do

    Some people worry about adjusting their doors and think it’s going to be complicated. It’s actually very simple because on a hinge, there are basically only three … See more

    Kitchen Door Workshop
    Moving The Door Closer to The Cabinet

    The third adjustment moves the door further to or away from the cabinet. You don’t normally need to adjust this; this is only done to allow an even gap down the edge of th… See more

    Kitchen Door Workshop
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