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Waterloo (song) - Wikipedia
See more on en.wikipedia.org"Waterloo" was written specifically to be entered into the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest, after the group finished third with "Ring Ring" the previous year in the Swedish pre-selection contest, Melodifestivalen 1973. The original title of the song was "Honey Pie". "Waterloo" was originally written with simultaneous rock music …Waterloo (album) - Wikipedy
Waterloo is it twadde studio-album fan ABBA. It album waard opnommen fan 24 septimber 1973 oant en mei 20 febrewaris 1974 yn de Metronome Studios yn Stockholm en waard twa wiken …
ABBA - Waterloo Lyrics and Tracklist - Genius
Waterloo is the second studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, and the first released internationally. It was originally released in Sweden on 4 March 1974 through Polar Music. The...
Waterloo (album) - Wikipedia
Waterloo je drugi studijski album švedske pop grupe ABBA i prvi koji je objavljen na međunarodnoj razini. Prvobitno ga je objavila izdavačka kuća Polar Music u Švedskoj 4. marta …
ABBA, Björn, Benny, Agnetha & Frida – Waterloo - Discogs
"Waterloo" was the first proper ABBA album, following the proto-ABBA "Ring Ring". The album was released March 4, 1974. The title track won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest and …
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Waterloo (album) – Wikipedija
Waterloo je drugi studijski album švedskog sastava ABBA. Ovim albumom su počeli ozbiljniji proboj na tržišta izvan Švedske. Veliki hit albuma je pjesma "Waterloo" kojom su pobijedili na …
Waterloo (album) - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Waterloo er et pop-album fra 1974 af gruppen ABBA. Waterloo er gruppens andet album. What about Livingstone? Bonusnumre (cd): Denne artikel om et musikalbum er en spire som bør …
Waterloo (album) - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas
Waterloo ialah album studio kedua oleh kumpulan pop Sweden ABBA, dan yang pertama dikeluarkan di peringkat antarabangsa. Ia mula dilancarkan di Sweden pada 4 Mac 1974 …
Waterloo (album) - Wikipedia
Waterloo fu lu secunnu album dû gruppu svidisu ABBA. La canzuna cchiù canusciuta di stu album è Waterloo, chi vincìu lu Cuncursu Eurovision ntô 1974, ncuminzannu la so carrera musicali.
Waterloo (album) – Wikipédia
A Waterloo az ABBA svéd popegyüttes második stúdióalbuma. 1974. március 4 -én jelent meg, ez volt az együttes első, Skandinávián kívül megjelent albuma. A címadó dallal 1974-ben …
Waterloo (album) – Wikipédia
Waterloo je druhý štúdiový album švédskej popovej skupiny ABBA. Je zároveň prvým albumom, ktorý táto hudobná formácia vydala medzinárodne. Jeho pôvodná verzia vyšla cez …
Waterloo - Wikidata
mswiki Waterloo (album) nlwiki Waterloo (album) nowiki Waterloo (album) plwiki Waterloo (album) ptwiki Waterloo (álbum) ruwiki Waterloo (альбом) scnwiki Waterloo (album) scwiki Waterloo; …
Waterloo | Album Wiki - Fandom
Waterloo is the second album released by Swedish pop group ABBA. Waterloo was a big hit along with Ring Ring and Mamma Mia. September 24, 1973 - First recording session for the …
Waterloo (album) | ABBA Wiki - Fandom
Waterloo is ABBA's second studio album and was released in 1974. Waterloo (sung in Swedish) Sitting in the Palmtree King Kong Song Hasta Mañana My Mama Said Dance (While the Music …
Waterloo (album) — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Apr 6, 2024 · Waterloo is the second studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, and the first released internationally. It was originally released on 4 March 1974 in Sweden through Polar …
Waterloo (album) | Music Hub | Fandom
Waterloo is the second studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, and the first released internationally. It was originally released in Sweden on 4 March 1974 through Polar Music. The …
Waterloo Sunset - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Waterloo Sunset" is a 1967 song by British band The Kinks and was taken from their fifth studio album Something Else by The Kinks. It topped the single charts in the Netherlands and made …
Waterloo (album) - Wikiwand
Waterloo is the second studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, and the first released internationally. It was originally released on 4 March 1974 in Sweden through Polar Music. The …
Waterloo (album) | Things Wiki | Fandom
Waterloo is the second studio album by the Swedish pop group ABBA, and the first released internationally. It was originally released on 4 March 1974 in Sweden through Polar Music. The …
How ABBA Conquered All With The ‘Waterloo’ Album
Mar 4, 2023 · Remembered for its era-defining lead single, the ‘Waterloo’ album found ABBA hitting all their targets and storming charts around the world.
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