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Wandsbek (quarter) - Wikipedia
See more on en.wikipedia.orgWandsbek was once part of the county Stormarn. Its villages were first mentioned in the middle of the 13th century. The name Wandsbek, Wandsbeck or (older) Wantesbeke derives from old Low Saxon ("Low German") for "border river" and the river Wandse was a natural territorial border. An old Danish phrase for stating tha…- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Hamburg-Wandsbek – Wikipedia
Hamburg-Wandsbek [ˈvantsbeːk] ist ein Stadtteil im Osten von Hamburg. Er umfasst den Kern der ehemals selbstständigen Stadt Wandsbek und den Westteil von Hinschenfelde mit der …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Bezirk Wandsbek – Wikipedia
Wandsbek [ˈvantsbeːk] ist einer von sieben Bezirken in Hamburg. [1] Der mit 455.185 (Dezember 2023) Einwohnern bevölkerungsreichste Bezirk liegt im Nordosten von Hamburg und ist in 18 …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Hamburg-Wandsbek (electoral district) - Wikipedia
Hamburg-Wandsbek is located in northeastern Hamburg. As of the 2021 federal election, it comprises the southern part of the Wandsbek borough, specifically the quarters of Bramfeld, …
Wandsbek-Gartenstadt station - Wikipedia
Wandsbek-Gartenstadt is a major rapid transit station on the Hamburg U-Bahn lines U1 and U3. For line U1, Wandsbek-Gartenstadt is a through station; for line U3, it is terminus station. The …
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The Axe of Wandsbek (1951 film) - Wikipedia
The Axe of Wandsbek (German: Das Beil von Wandsbek) is a 1951 East German film, directed by Falk Harnack. 1934, Hamburg. Adolf Hitler is about to visit the city. Hamburg's executioner …
Hamburg-Wandsbek station - Wikipedia
Wandsbek station was a station in the German city of Hamburg. It was built during the construction of the Lübeck–Hamburg railway by the Lübeck-Büchen Railway Company …
Wandsbek – Wikipedia
Wandsbek [ˈvantsbeːk] bezeichnet: Orte den Hamburger Bezirk Wandsbek den Hamburger Stadtteil Hamburg-Wandsbek den Wahlkreis Wandsbek den Bundestagswahlkreis Hamburg …
Hamburg-Wandsbek – Wikipedia
Wandsbek as en stääddial faan Hamborag uun a betsirk Wandsbek. Diar wene 38.314 lidj (Stant: 2023-12-31).
Wandsbeker Chaussee station - Wikipedia
Wandsbeker Chaussee is a U-Bahn and S-Bahn hub of the rail network in the district of Eilbek in the German city of Hamburg. It is now served by Hamburg S-Bahn line S1 and Hamburg U …
Wandsbek (stadsdelsområde) – Wikipedia
Wandsbek (Bezirk Wandsbek) är ett stadsdelsområde i Hamburg med 455,185 invånare (2023). Det har fått sitt namn från en av dess delar, stadsdelen Wandsbek som tidigare (till 1938) var …
Bundestagswahlkreis Hamburg-Wandsbek – Wikipedia
Der Bundestagswahlkreis Hamburg-Wandsbek [ˈvantsbeːk] (Wahlkreis 22) ist ein Wahlkreis in Hamburg für die Wahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag. Er umfasst vom Bezirk Wandsbek die …
Wandsbek – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Hamburg-Wandsbek é o maior dos sete distritos municipais da cidade de Hamburgo, na Alemanha, com uma área de 147.5 km² e população de 406.802 habitantes (Censo 2005).
Wandsbek - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Wandsbek é un distrito situado na parte norte da cidade Hanseática de Hamburgo con 411.203 habitantes (2008), sendo o segundo máis grande en superficie e o primeiro en poboación.
Wandsbek - Wikipedia
Nahimutang ni sa estado pederal sa Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, sa amihanang bahin sa nasod, 250 km sa amihanan-kasadpan sa Berlin ang ulohan sa nasod. 18 metros ibabaw sa …
With more than 420,000 residents, Wandsbek is Hamburg’s most populous district. It stretches all the way from Hamburg’s urban centre to the northeastern border with neighbouring state …
Bezirk Wandsbek - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Wandsbek er et bezirk (distrikt) i det nordøstlige hjørne af den tyske bystat Hamborg med omkring 411.000 indbyggere (2008). Til 1864 var området dansk.
Wandsbek - Wikiwand
Wandsbek, which was formerly an independent city, is urban and, along with Eilbek and Marienthal, part of the city's economic and cultural core. In 2020 the population was 442,702, …
Wandsbek - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
A borough in the city state of Hamburg, Germany.
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