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Waalo – Wikipedia
Waalo lag am linken Ufer des unteren Senegal-Flusses zwischen dem Atlantischen Ozean und dem Guiers-See.Zum Norden hin, im heutigen Mauretanien, war das Reich der Mauren, im …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Waalo — Wikipédia
May 21, 2007 · Le Waalo (en wolof : Waloo) — on trouve aussi les orthographes Walo, Wâlo ou Oualo, et un grand nombre de variations ou de cacographies — est l'un des anciens …
- Capitale: Ndiangué, Njurbel, Nder
- Religion: s traditionnelles africaines, Islam
- Langue (s): Wolof
- Statut: Monarchie
Ndaté Yalla Mbodj - Wikipedia
Ndaté Yalla Mbodj, also known as Ndateh Yalla Mbooj (c. 1810 — 1860 [1][2] or 1814—1856), [6] was the last Lingeer (Queen) of Waalo, a Jolof kingdom located in what is now northwest …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Brak (title) - Wikipedia
Brak (or Braque) was the title of the kings of the kingdoms of Waalo (or Oualo) [1] and Biffeche on the Senegal River in Senegal and Mauritania in West Africa until the 19th century.
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Waalo — Wikipedia
Waalo bokkoon na ci yénn ci nguuri Senegaal yi fi nekkoo. Buuru Waalo dañu ko daa tànn ca péncum Seb ak Bawar. Njurbel moo nekkoo péeyam ci lu njëkk, ganaaw bi lañ ko tuxël Jinge, tuxëlaat ko Ndeer. Tuxu yu bari yooyu doy na …
- People also ask
Waalo – Wikipedia
Waalo (myös Walo) oli wolofivaltio Senegaljoen laaksossa Saint-Louisista Daganaan ulottuvalla alueella [1]. Waalo itsenäistyi Djolofin alaisuudesta 1500-luvun puolivälissä. Sen talous …
Waalo - Wikiwand articles
Waalo (Wolof: Waalo) was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what is now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas north and south, …
Waalo Sandheer (noole) - Wikipedia
Waalo sandheer Af Ingiriis : Somali elephant shrew ama Somali sengi) waa noole la moodo sida dooliga oo ku nool dhulka kulul ama lama degaanka ah. [3] Waalo Sandheerta waxaa laga …
What does Waalo mean? - Definitions.net
Walo (Wolof: Waalo) was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what are now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas north and south, …
N'Der - Wikipedia
In 1819, as the Brak Amar Fatim Borso and most of his warriors had traveled to Saint-Louis to have their wounds treated at the French hospital after a battle against Trarza Moors, the …
Bataille de Dioubouldou — Wikipédia
Le 25 février, la colonne française, composée de 400 réguliers [9], 400 volontaires [note 1] de Saint-Louis et d'un peloton de cavalerie coloniale [10] rencontre l'armée Waalo-Trarza près …
Waalo - acearchive.org
Waalo was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River with a complicated political and social system. It was indirectly hereditary and ruled by three matrilineal families: the Logar, the Tedyek, and …
Waalo - Wikiwand
Waalo was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what is now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas north and south, extending to the …
Ndaté Yalla Mbodj: the Senegalese Queen Who Led the
Nov 8, 2022 · Ndaté Yalla Mbodj was the last great Lingeer (Queen) of Waalo (present day Senegal). During her reign, she and her husband Maaroso Tassé fought against the French …
Royaume du Walo - Senegaldates.com
Le Waalo (ou Oualo) est une région historique du Sénégal, centrée sur le delta du fleuve Sénégal, dans le nord-ouest du pays, autour de Saint-Louis.
Mö Mboj Maalik Mboj - Wikipedia
Mö Mboj Maalik Mboj (var : Mö Mbody Maalik [1]) was the last King of Waalo, a pre-colonial kingdom in what is now northern Senegal. [ 1 ] : 41 He succeeded to the throne as Brak ( king …
Waalo - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Kingdom of Waalo (Oualo) was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what are now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley proper and areas… en …
Waalo - Wikiwand
Under Ndiadian Ndiaye, Jolof made Waalo a vassal. Walo was a kingdom on the lower Senegal River in West Africa, in what is now Senegal and Mauritania. It included parts of the valley …
Joos Maternal dynasty - Wikipedia
From c. 1367, [1] this maternal dynasty provided many kings of Waalo who rule by the royal title "Brak". The Braks were the successors of the Lamanes in Waalo, [13][14] and ruled the …
Category : Walo - Wikimedia
Media in category "Walo" The following 9 files are in this category, out of 9 total.
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