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  1. Treasury - Wikipedia

    • A treasury is either A government department related to finance and taxation, a finance ministry; in a business context, corporate treasury.A place or location where treasure, such as currency or precious items are kept. These can be state or royal property, church treasure or in private ownership. The head of a treasury is typically known as a treasurer. This position m… See more


    The earliest found artefacts made of silver and gold are from Lake Varna in Bulgaria dated 4250–4000 BC, the … See more

    Treasuries as government departments

    In the United Kingdom, His Majesty's Treasury is overseen by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The traditional honorary title of First Lord of the Treasury is held by the prime minister. His Majesty's Revenue and Customs administers … See more

    Treasuries as locations

    A treasury is also a room or building in which precious or valuable objects are preserved, especially objets d’art in precious metals and jewels, of a ruler or other collector which are kept in a secure room and often f… See more

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