Transom (architectural) wikipedia - Search
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  1. History

    In early Gothic ecclesiastical work, transoms are found only in belfry unglazed windows or spire lights, where they were deemed necessary to strengthen the mullions in the absence of the iron stay bars, which in glazed win… See more


    Transom windows which could be opened to provide cross-ventilation while maintaining security and privacy (due to their small size and height above floor level) were a common feature of apartments… See more

    Idiomatic usage

    The phrase "over the transom" refers to works submitted for publication without being solicited. The image evoked is of a writer tossing a manuscript through the open window over the door of the publisher's office. … See more


    In French, a transom window is called an imposte. The term vasistas (previously spelled wass-ist-dass), from the German was ist das? lit. 'what is that?', refers to any single pane within a door or window sash which is hin… See more

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