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Praetexta - Wikipedia
The praetexta or fabula praetexta was a genre of Latin tragedy introduced at Rome by Gnaeus Naevius in the third century BC. It dealt with historical Roman figures, in place of the conventional Greek myths. Subsequent writers of praetextae included Ennius, Pacuvius and Lucius Accius. The name refers to the toga … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Toga - Wikipedia
The toga was an approximately semi-circular woollen cloth, usually white, worn draped over the left shoulder and around the body: the word "toga" probably derives from tegere, to cover. It was considered formal wear and was generally reserved for citizens. The Romans considered it unique to themselves, thus their poetic description by Virgil and Martial as the gens togata ('toga-wearing race'). …
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseToga praetexta | clothing | Britannica
toga, characteristic loose, draped outer garment of Roman citizens. Adopted by the Romans from the Etruscans, it was originally worn by both sexes of all classes but was gradually abandoned by women, then by labouring people, and finally …
Tóga – Wikipédia
Toga praetexta Bíborszegélyű tóga, a szabadnak született római fiúk viselete mindaddig, amíg magukra nem öltötték a nagykorúságot jelző fehér tógát. …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Clothing in ancient Rome - Wikipedia
The toga praetexta of curule magistrates and some priesthoods added a wide purple edging, and was worn over a tunic with two vertical purple stripes. It …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Toga - Wikipedia
Toga praetexta: un tipo di toga orlata di porpora. Essa veniva indossata da: tutti i ragazzi romani liberi che non avevano raggiunto ancora l'età adulta (15-17 anni). Veniva indossata nelle …
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Toga – Wikipedia
Die Toga war ein Gewand des freien Römischen Bürgers. Die Toga bestand aus einem einzigen, zur Kaiserzeit etwa 6 Meter langen und 2½ Meter breiten halbkreisförmigen Stück Stoff, das …
Toga praetexta - Wikipedia
Pages for logged out editors learn more. Contributions; Talk; Toga praetexta
Toga (Romeins kledingstuk) - Wikipedia
Een toga is een kenmerkend kledingstuk dat werd gedragen door Romeinse mannen. Wie geen Romein was, mocht hem niet dragen. Het dragen van de toga was voor Romeinse mannen bij …
Toge prétexte — Wikipédia
Dans l'ancienne Rome, la toge prétexte (en latin : toga praetexta) ou la prétexte (praetexta) est une toge blanche bordée d'une bande de pourpre utilisée par les magistrats dits curules (tous …
Toga — Википедија - sr.wikipedia.org
toga praetexta, bijela toga s grimiznim rubom koju su nosili ili dječaci od 14. do 18. godine ili javni funkcioneri; toga pulla („tamna toga“), nosila se za vrijeme žalovanja ili iz političkog protesta …
The 6 Types of Togas Worn in Ancient Rome - ThoughtCo
Jun 26, 2019 · Toga Pura: Any citizen of Rome might wear the toga pura, a toga made of natural, undyed, whitish wool. Toga Praetexta: If a Roman were a magistrate or a freeborn youth, he …
Toga praetexta – Wikipedia
Toga praetexta. Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen. Weiterleitung nach: Toga Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Mai 2005 um 22:49 Uhr bearbeitet. ... Wikipedia® ist eine …
Toga - Wikiwand
A toga praetexta. The toga was an approximately semi-circular woollen cloth, usually white, worn draped over the left shoulder and around the body: the word "toga" probably derives from …
praetexta - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Jan 9, 2025 · (historical, Ancient Rome) A white robe with a purple border, worn by a Roman boy before he was entitled to wear the toga virilis, or until about the completion of his fourteenth …
Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary/Toga
Toga praetexta. A toga ornamented with a broad border of purple, originally derived from the Etruscans, and worn with the bulla by freeborn children of both sexes, as well as the chief …
Toga - NovaRoma
Toga praetexta The toga worn by current and former curule magistrates (and also by boys under the age of 16). It bears the purple stripe, the width of which varies according to the wearer.
Toga: Origin, Types, & Significance – Roman Empire
Oct 3, 2023 · Toga Praetexta: The toga praetexta was distinguished by its white color with a purple border, known as the “latus clavus.” It was worn by high-ranking officials, magistrates, …
The Roman toga: history, characteristics, types and functions …
Feb 13, 2021 · In the image, a representation of the “toga praetexta” (Image from Wikipedia). The toga was one of the most important garments in ancient Rome, taking on a significant …
Toga praetexta - (Elementary Latin) - Fiveable
The toga praetexta was a distinctive Roman garment characterized by its purple border, worn by freeborn boys, magistrates, and certain priests. This garment not only indicated the social …