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Therian Gear & Crafts Megathread - Every Sunday : r/Therian
Share all your therian arts and crafts here, every Sunday, in the comments of this recurring megathread. Be it your gear experiences, help requests, selling, or just showing off, this is the …
therian_crafts - Reddit
We will be wearing feathers in public (not in hair or behind ear could be offensive to natives) and drawing the theta delta sign on the back of out hands to make therian friends
Therian Gear & Crafts Megathread - Every Sunday : r/Therian
Share all your therian arts and crafts here, every Sunday, in the comments of this recurring megathread. Be it your gear experiences, help requests…
r/TherianCrafts - Reddit
r/TherianCrafts: This is a community designed for therian crafts such as, making masks, tails, paw prints, etc! Have fun!
r/TherianArtsAndCrafts - Reddit
r/TherianArtsAndCrafts: HIII welcome, this is a sub for therians to post art and their other therian related crafts such as self made mask, tails…
Things to do as a therian!! (art edition) : r/Therian - Reddit
r/Therian A friendly community for therians, otherkin, allies, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the subject of therianthropy and therians themselves. Anyone and everyone is …
Therian Gear & Crafts Megathread - Every Sunday : r/Therian
Posted by u/AutoModerator - 2 votes and 9 comments
Anyone here make their own masks? : r/Therian - Reddit
You can get paper cat masks at like, craft stores (or online), personally I’ve used those to make masks for myself. I’ve also seen therians use these masks and then add like, cardboard pieces …
Undercover Therian Craft :] : r/Therian - Reddit
Undercover Therian Craft :] I made these habitat bottles by going out to the woods and putting some moss, fern leaves, and some tree bark in them. I found the bottles at the dollar store …
Need therian activities that aren't quads : r/Therian - Reddit
There’s lots of therian activities you can do indoors. Maybe watch documentaries about your theriotype, make arts/crafts/literature/music directed towards your theriotype, meditate if you’re …
Tips on crafting : r/Therian - Reddit
• (Therian) Artic fox , snow leopard, raven , komodo dragon (more) • Is it possible to get claws?
does anyone have any tips for crow therians? : r/Therian - Reddit
I am a crow therian (as well as other animals), and i was hoping perhaps anyone has any advice? This can be anything! From gear (i like having gear personally, i know it's not needed but i …
What to do as a bored therian : r/Therian - Reddit
try to do quads again, and if your in a warm climate, go outside at night and do them too. you could also try to make some therian crafts, its fun. try to get some shifts if you get them. mabie …
r/Therian on Reddit: How can I decorate my room to match the ...
I have a forest wallpaper, although I got it years ago and I’m not sure I want it anymore even though I’m still a therian and enjoy nature. Anyway, maybe look into decorations inspired by …
playing pretend with a clay sculpture i made of my theriotype :)
this is the simplest and most accurate definition of what a therian is i've found. [credit: @MeatSuperstar on twitter]
Best room decorations? : r/Therian - Reddit
Hang those fake vine things around your room! They are super cool. Also try this fun therian craft: get clay and put your paw print on it! Then u can hang it up or display. <3
r/Therian: The Animal(s) Within You - Reddit
Am I a therian? What's my theriotype? - Nobody knows but you! Whether or not you're a therian and your theriotype(s) are up to you to find out, through research and introspection; others can …
how do i get therian gear without my parents knowing im a therian
If you’re looking for other subtle Therian gear, I highly recommend buying uncoated wooden beads from a craft store (or any uncoated wooden pendant, I bought some round keychains …
What does your bedroom look like? : r/Therian - Reddit
The sorta middle connection is my crafts. I have supplies stored all over in little cubbies and shelves. My main bookshelf has two shelves of books I’ve collected so far, and my collection …
Related searches for Therian Crafts site:www.reddit.com